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Count unique values, ignore the spelling


I have a problem. I have the following dataframe. I want to count all the unique values. As you can see the problem is, that some of the words are uppercase or lowercase but are compleately the same thing i want to count. So in my case "Wifi" and "wifi" should be counted as 2. Same for the others. Is there a way i can do that by for example ignore the upper and lower case? And as you can see there are different writings for wifi (for example "Wifi 230 mb/s") is there a way to count the wifis when wifi is in the string?

d = {'host_id': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3],
     'value': ['Hot Water', 'Wifi', 'Kitchen',
               'Wifi', 'Hot Water',
               'Coffe Maker', 'wifi', 'hot Water', 'Wifi 230 mb/s']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)


print(len(df[df['value'].str.contains("Wifi", case=False)]))

   host_id        value
0        1    Hot Water
1        1         Wifi
2        1      Kitchen
3        2         Wifi
4        2    Hot Water
5        3  Coffe Maker
6        3         wifi
7        3    hot Water
8        3    Wifi 230 mb/s

4 # count wifi

['Hot Water' 'Wifi' 'Kitchen' 'Coffe Maker' 'wifi' 'hot Water'] # unique values
6 # len unique values

What [out] should look like:

        value     count
0   Hot Water         3
1        Wifi         4
2     Kitchen         1
3 Coffe Maker         1

enter image description here

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

If there is problem only with wifi - possible another substrings use:

df['value'] = (df['value'].mask(df['value'].str.contains("Wifi", case=False), 'wifi')
print (df)
   host_id        value
0        1    Hot Water
1        1         Wifi
2        1      Kitchen
3        2         Wifi
4        2    Hot Water
5        3  Coffe Maker
6        3         Wifi
7        3    Hot Water
8        3         Wifi

Wifi           4
Hot Water      3
Kitchen        1
Coffe Maker    1
Name: value, dtype: int64

print(df.groupby('value', sort=False).size().reset_index(name='count'))
         value  count
0    Hot Water      3
1         Wifi      4
2      Kitchen      1
3  Coffe Maker      1


#counts original values wit hconvert to uppercase first latters
s = df['value'].str.title().value_counts()
print (s)
Wifi             3
Hot Water        3
Wifi 230 Mb/S    1
Kitchen          1
Coffe Maker      1
Name: value, dtype: int64

#filter if counts greater like N
N = 2
good = s.index[s.gt(N)]       
print (good)
Index(['Wifi', 'Hot Water'], dtype='object')

#extract values by list good

import re

pat = '|'.join(r"\b{}\b".format(x) for x in good)
df['new'] = df['value'].str.extract(rf'({pat})', expand=False, flags=re.I).str.title()
print (df)
   host_id          value        new
0        1      Hot Water  Hot Water
1        1           Wifi       Wifi
2        1        Kitchen        NaN
3        2           Wifi       Wifi
4        2      Hot Water  Hot Water
5        3    Coffe Maker        NaN
6        3           wifi       Wifi
7        3      hot Water  Hot Water
8        3  Wifi 230 mb/s       Wifi

df1 = df.groupby('new', sort=False).size().reset_index(name='count')
print (df1)
         new  count
0  Hot Water      3
1       Wifi      4

#get values not matched to good list (working if no NaNs in original column)    
df2 = df[df['new'].isna()].groupby('value', sort=False).size().reset_index(name='count')
print (df2)
         value  count
0      Kitchen      1
1  Coffe Maker      1

If need both:

df = pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True)

CodePudding user response:

Use str.lower() or str.upper() method on your list before comparing them. That should eliminate duplicates. If you would like to eliminate typos or other similar strings you can use python-Levenshtein to calculate distance and set 'cut off point' https://pypi.org/project/python-Levenshtein/

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