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Python to extract output from attribute


I am trying to extract the specific details like authored_date from the attribute which I am getting with help of python.

What is my end goal:

I want to extract the specific branches which are named as tobedeleted_branch1, tobedeleted_branch2 and delete them with help of my script if the authored_date is more than 7 days.

I am beginner in this and learning this currently.

So, what I want to do is,

Extract the authored date from the output and check if it is older than 7 days. If it is older than 7 days I will go ahead and perform whatever I want to perform in if condition.

import gitlab, os
#from gitlab.v4.objects import *
# authenticate
GITLAB_HOST = 'MYINSTANCE' # or your instance
gl = gitlab.Gitlab(GITLAB_HOST, private_token=TOKEN)

# set gitlab group id
group_id = 6
group = gl.groups.get(group_id, lazy=True)

#get all projects
projects = group.projects.list(include_subgroups=True, all=True)

#get all project ids
project_ids = []
for project in projects:
#    project_ids.append((project.path_with_namespace, project.id, project.name ))

for project in project_ids:
    project = gl.projects.get(project)
    branches = project.branches.list() 
    for branch in branches:
       if "tobedeleted" in branch.attributes['name']:

The output which I am getting from printing the print(branch.attributes['commit']) is like :

{'id': '1245829930', 'short_id': '124582', 'created_at': '2021-11-15T09:10:26.000 00:00', 'parent_ids': None, 'title': 'branch name commit' into \'master\'"', 'message': 'branch name commit', 'author_name': 'Administrator', 'author_email': '[email protected]', 'authored_date': '2021-11-15T09:10:26.000 00:00', 'committer_name': 'Administrator', 'committer_email': '[email protected]', 'committed_date': '2021-11-15T09:10:26.000 00:00', 'trailers': None, 'web_url': 'someweburl'}

From the above output, I want to extract the 'authored_date' and check if it is greated than 7 days I will go ahead and delete the merged branch.

Any help regarding this is highly appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

from datetime import datetime
def get_day_diff(old_date):
    old_datetime = datetime.fromisoformat(old_date)
    # Check timezone of date
    tz_info = old_datetime.tzinfo
    current_datetime = datetime.now(tz_info)
    datetime_delta = current_datetime - old_datetime
    return datetime_delta.days

# test with authored_date
authored_date = '2021-11-15T09:10:26.000 00:00'
if get_day_diff(authored_date) > 7:
  # then delete branch

CodePudding user response:

import datetime
created_at = '2021-11-15T09:10:26.000 00:00'
t = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(created_at)
n = datetime.datetime.now(tz=t.tzinfo)

if n - t <= datetime.timedelta(days=7):
    ... # do someting

CodePudding user response:

using your branch.attributes about your commit inside your loop, you can do the following (make sure you import datetime). You'll want to append the branch name to be deleted to a list that you'll iterate over after, as you do not want to modify any object that you are currently iterating over (IE deleting items from the branches object that you are still iterating over).

from datetime import datetime

branches_to_delete = []
for project in project_ids:
    project = gl.projects.get(project)
    branches = project.branches.list() 
    for branch in branches:
       if "tobedeleted" in branch.attributes['name']:
           branch_date_object = datetime.strptime((branch.attributes['commit']['authored_date'].split('.')[0]), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
           days_diff = datetime.now() - branch_date_object
           if days_diff.days > 7:

for branch in branches_to_delete:
    # perform your delete functionality
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