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Data type conflict in criteria expression


I'm currently trying to use a db (.accdb-file) in my vbscript.

my function from a .vbs-file that's executed by a hta-file:

function dbCall(sAction, sPayload, sTable, sConCol, sConVal)
    Dim sConnectionString, objConnection, objRecordset, dbQuery, lTemp
    Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    sConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=" & localDB
    'Query für die DB zusammenbauen
    Select Case sAction
        Case "get"
            If sConCol = False Then
                dbQuery = "SELECT " & sPayload & " FROM " & sTable
                dbQuery = "SELECT " & sPayload & " FROM " & sTable & " WHERE " & sConCol & " = '" & sConVal & "'"
            End If
    End Select
    'do DB-Stuff
    objConnection.open sConnectionString
    objRecordset.Open dbQuery, objConnection
    IF objRecordset.fields.Count = 1 Then
        lTemp = objRecordset.fields(0)
    End If
    dbCall = lTemp
End function

the results are used to decide some things for the design of my hta-file.

I have multiple uses for it. calling it like this:

getSlotAmount = dbCall("get", "value", "config", "name", "MiPaCount")

returns a number according to

name (short String) value (Integer)
MiPaCount 5

but if I call it with

iStart = dbCall("get", "startzeit", "slots", "ID", tmp)

I get the error from the top. The table currently looks like

ID (Integer, Byte) Startzeit (short String)
1 11:30

previously the "startzeit"-column was a time-type but since I'm only storing and not calculating Data in the DB it's not that important I tried to use an integer and a string as tmp but in all these cases it gives me an error on the line where I try to objRecordset.open (german: "Datentypenkonflikt in Kriterienausdruck", translating it by google resulted in the title). While creating this question SO offered me multiple similar posts that lead me to two more experiments.

When I tried to change the string "dbQuery = ..." like this:

dbQuery = "SELECT " & sPayload & " FROM " & sTable & " WHERE " & sConCol & " = '" & sConVal

it said that a required value is missing. When I tried this:

dbQuery = "SELECT " & sPayload & " FROM " & sTable & " WHERE " & sConCol & " = """ & sConVal & """"

I again got the error from the title so I returned to my original string (since it works fine with my first example of using dbCall). What am I missing?

EDIT: Found a solution based on the accepted answer. with this function it works:

function dbCall(sAction, sPayload, sTable, conCol, conVal, conType)
    Dim sConnectionString, objConnection, objRecordset, dbQuery, lTemp
    Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    sConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=" & localDB
    'Query für die DB zusammenbauen
    Select Case sAction
        Case "get"
            dbQuery = "SELECT " & sPayload & " FROM " & sTable
    End Select
    Select Case conType
        Case "str"
            dbQuery = dbQuery  & " WHERE " & ConCol & " = '" & ConVal & "'"
        Case "int"
            dbQuery = dbQuery  & " WHERE " & ConCol & " = " & ConVal
    End Select
    'do DB-Stuff
    objConnection.open sConnectionString
    objRecordset.Open dbQuery, objConnection
    IF objRecordset.fields.Count = 1 Then
        lTemp = objRecordset.fields(0)
    End If
    dbCall = lTemp
End function

CodePudding user response:

You are missing that you wish to handle several data types, and to take care of reserved words for field names. So, for example, you would need:

' For text:
dbQuery = "SELECT " & sPayload & " FROM " & sTable & " WHERE [" & sConCol & "] = '" & sConVal & "'"

' For numbers:
dbQuery = "SELECT " & sPayload & " FROM " & sTable & " WHERE [" & sConCol & "] = " & Str(sConVal) & ""

' For dates:
dbQuery = "SELECT " & sPayload & " FROM " & sTable & " WHERE [" & sConCol & "] = #" & Format(DateValue(sConVal), "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "#"

You may be able to simplify this by using my function CSql, but I haven't tested it in a scenario like this.

CodePudding user response:

Try replacing this line:

iStart = dbCall("get", "startzeit", "slots", "ID", tmp)

with this:

iStart = dbCall("get", "startzeit", "slots", "ID", "tmp")

You're looking for a value in that parameter and tmp (without quotations) is expected to be a numerical one.

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