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Svg color not changing from css color?


typically i change a svgs color by targetting the svg in my css and setting the color property but that's having no effect on the bellow svg element. Any idea why? I have read that the svg must have a fill="currentColor" property which I added but the color is still not changing. Is there a way I can dynamically set the svg color from css ?

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" class="ionicon" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><title>Logo Instagram</title><path d="M349.33 69.33a93.62 93.62 0 0193.34 93.34v186.66a93.62 93.62 0 01-93.34 93.34H162.67a93.62 93.62 0 01-93.34-93.34V162.67a93.62 93.62 0 0193.34-93.34h186.66m0-37.33H162.67C90.8 32 32 90.8 32 162.67v186.66C32 421.2 90.8 480 162.67 480h186.66C421.2 480 480 421.2 480 349.33V162.67C480 90.8 421.2 32 349.33 32z"/><path d="M377.33 162.67a28 28 0 1128-28 27.94 27.94 0 01-28 28zM256 181.33A74.67 74.67 0 11181.33 256 74.75 74.75 0 01256 181.33m0-37.33a112 112 0 10112 112 112 112 0 00-112-112z"/></svg>

CodePudding user response:

Use this code.
I set fill to path.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="ionicon" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><title>Logo Instagram</title><path d="M349.33 69.33a93.62 93.62 0 0193.34 93.34v186.66a93.62 93.62 0 01-93.34 93.34H162.67a93.62 93.62 0 01-93.34-93.34V162.67a93.62 93.62 0 0193.34-93.34h186.66m0-37.33H162.67C90.8 32 32 90.8 32 162.67v186.66C32 421.2 90.8 480 162.67 480h186.66C421.2 480 480 421.2 480 349.33V162.67C480 90.8 421.2 32 349.33 32z"/><path d="M377.33 162.67a28 28 0 1128-28 27.94 27.94 0 01-28 28zM256 181.33A74.67 74.67 0 11181.33 256 74.75 74.75 0 01256 181.33m0-37.33a112 112 0 10112 112 112 112 0 00-112-112z" fill="currentColor" /></svg>

CodePudding user response:

You could try:

        --currentColor: #00ff00;
<svg id="svg" width="100" height="100" viewbox="0 0 100 100" xlmns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
            fill: var(--currentColor);

This method will work.

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