Home > Blockchain >  Pet adoption error invalid address (app. Js: 109)
Pet adoption error invalid address (app. Js: 109)


Click to adopt an error invalid address (app. Js: 109)

The code is as follows:

Web3Provider: null,
Contracts: {},

Init: function () {
//the Load pets.
$. GetJSON ('../pets. Json ', function (data) {
Var petsRow=$(' # petsRow ');
Var petTemplate=$(' # petTemplate ');

for (i=0; i PetTemplate. Find (' panel - the title '). The text (data [I] name);
PetTemplate. Find (' img). Attr (' SRC 'data [I] picture);
PetTemplate. Find (' pet - breed '). The text (data [I] breed);
PetTemplate. Find (' pet - age '). The text (data [I] age);
PetTemplate. Find (' pet - the location '). The text (data [I] the location).
PetTemplate. Find (' BTN - adopt '). The attr (' data - id 'data [I] id);

PetsRow. Append (petTemplate. HTML ());

Return the App. InitWeb3 ();

InitWeb3: function () {
* the Replace me...
//Is there an injected web3 instance?
If (typeof web3! Undefined==' ') {
App. Web3Provider=web3. CurrentProvider;
} else {
//If no injected web3 instance is detected, fall back to Ganache
App. Web3Provider=new Web3. Will. HttpProvider (' ');
Web3=new web3 (App. Web3Provider);
Return the App. InitContract ();

InitContract: function () {
* the Replace me...
//load the Adoption. Json, preserved the Adoption of ABI (interface) information (address) and deployment of network information, it generated when compiling contracts ABI, when deploying additional network information
$. GetJSON (' Adoption. Json, function (data) {
//Adoption. The json data to create an interactive TruffleContract contract instance,
Var AdoptionArtifact=data;
App. Contracts. Adoption=TruffleContract (AdoptionArtifact);

//Set the provider for our contract
App. Contracts. Adoption. SetProvider (App. Web3Provider);

//Use our contract to retrieve and mark the adopted pets
Return the App. MarkAdopted ();
Return the App. BindEvents ();

BindEvents: function () {
The $(document) on (' click ', 'BTN - adopt', App. HandleAdopt);

MarkAdopted: function (adopters, account) {
* the Replace me...

Var adoptionInstance;

App. Contracts. Adoption. The deployed (). Then (function (instance) {

//call getAdopters (), use the call read without consuming gas
Call (); return adoptionInstance. GetAdopters.
{}). Then (function (adopters)
for (i=0; i If (adopters [I]!=='0 x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') {
$(' panel - pet '). Eq. (I) find (' button). The text (' Success '). Attr (" disabled ", true);
{}). The catch (function (err)
The console. The log (err. Message);

HandleAdopt: function (event) {

Var petId=parseInt ($(event. The target). The data (" id "));
Var adoptionInstance;

//get the user account
Web3. Eth. GetAccounts (function (error, accounts) {
If (error) {

Var account=accounts [3].

App. Contracts. Adoption. The deployed (). Then (function (instance) {

//send transaction adopt a pet
Return adoptionInstance. Adopt (petId, {the from: account});
{}). Then (function (result)
Return the App. MarkAdopted ();
{}). The catch (function (err)
The console. The log (err. Message);
* the Replace me...


$(function () {
$(window). The load (the function () {
App. The init ();
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