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KeyError when pressing one of created radiobuttons using loop and calling its command


I'm creating multiple radiobuttons in a loop and assigning a function with one argument to them by lambda(These functions are also created using loops and dictionary), but when I press on on of the radiobuttons I get this error:

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/shirin/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/tkinter/__init__.py", line 1892, in __call__
    return self.func(*args)
  File "/tmp/ipykernel_7981/822586079.py", line 99, in <lambda>
    lst_r["r{0}".format(f j)] = Radiobutton(text = algorithms[f j], var = v, value = f j, height=2, width=30, indicator = 0, command = lambda: d['use_algo' str(f j)](algorithms[f j]))
KeyError: 'use_algo35'

For the algorithm files I created 4 .py files containing the following code:

def print_array(array):
    array2 = []
    for i in array:
        print array2
array = arr

And here is a minimal code like mine; Running this code it returns KeyError: 'use_algo5':

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()
row_num = 0
font = ('Verdana', 10)

algorithms = ['algorithm1','algorithm2','algorithm3','algorithm4']

def enter():
        class entries:
            def __init__(self, root):
                self.variables = []
                n = 4
                for i in range(n):

                self.labels = []
                self.entries = []
                c, d, e = 0,0,0
                for ii in range(int(n/4)):
                    for jj in range(4):
                        num = c (jj 1)
                        self.labels.append(Label(root , text = num))
                        self.labels[-1].grid(padx=0, pady=0, row=ii d 1, column=jj)
                        self.entries.append(Entry(root, font = font, textvariable =self.variables[c (jj)], width = 30))
                        self.entries[-1].grid(padx=0, pady=0, row=ii d 2, column=jj)
                    d =2   
                    c =4
                    e = ii 1 d
                label_algo = Label(font = font, text = 'Choose an algorithm:')
                label_algo.grid(row = int(n/4) e 2 , column = 0, padx = 29, pady = 15)
                row_num = int(n/4) e 2
                def use_algo(algo_name):   ### radio button functions:
                    arr = []
                    for i in range(int(len(self.entries))):
                    arr = exec(open("/home/shirin/Desktop/Python Project/Algorithms/"   algo_name   ".py").read())
                    label_output.configure(text = 'The array is {}'.format(arr))

                d = {f'use_algo{k}': partial(use_algo, algo_name=algorithms[k]) for k in range(int(len(algorithms)))}

                v = IntVar()
                lst_r = {}
                f = 0
                for i in range(int(len(algorithms)/2)):    ### making radio buttons:
                    for j in range(2):
                        lst_r["r{0}".format(f j)] = Radiobutton(text = algorithms[f j], var = v, value = f j, height=2, width=30, indicator = 0, command = lambda: d['use_algo' str(f j)](algorithms[f j]))
                        lst_r["r{0}".format(f j)].grid(row=row_num 1 i, column=j)
                    f =2

                label_output = Label(font = font)
                label_output.grid(row = row_num 1 int(len(algorithms)/4) 1 , column = 0, padx = 29, pady = 15) 
        T = entries(root)

label_num = Label(font = font, text = 'Press enter button')
label_num.grid(row = 0 , column = 0, padx = 30, pady = 15)
button_enter = Button(text = 'Enter', command = enter, width = 20)
button_enter.grid(row = 0 , column = 2, padx = 30)


CodePudding user response:

When the lambda is executed by clicking one of the radiobuttons, f j is 5 because f is 4 and j is 1 after the for loop of creating those radiobuttons.

Also it is usually use partial() directly in command option as below:

command=partial(use_algo, algorithms[f j])

Then d is not necessary at all.

Note that the for loop inside use_algo() is not necessary because arr is overwritten by:

arr = exec(open("/home/shirin/Desktop/Python Project/Algorithms/"   algo_name   ".py").read())
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