Home > Blockchain >  What is the best practise for outputting JSON Type arrays from Table values without repetition?
What is the best practise for outputting JSON Type arrays from Table values without repetition?


I have the following SQL data that I am trying to output as a structured JSON string as follows:

Table data

TableId ContainerId MaterialId  SizeId
848     1           1           1
849     1           1           2
850     1           2           1
851     1           2           2
852     1           3           1
853     1           4           1
854     2           2           1
855     2           2           2
856     2           2           3

JSON output

  "container": [
      "id": 1,
      "material": [
          "id": 1,
          "size": [
              "id": 1
              "id": 2
          "id": 2,
          "size": [
              "id": 1
              "id": 2
          "id": 3,
          "size": [
              "id": 1
          "id": 4,
          "size": [
              "id": 1
      "id": 2,
      "material": [
          "id": 2,
          "size": [
              "id": 1
              "id": 2
              "id": 3

I have tried several ways of outputting it but I am struggling to stop duplicated Container and Material Id records. Is anyone able to demonstrate the best working practices for extracting JSON from a table such as this please?

CodePudding user response:

You can use the following query

SELECT CONCAT('{"container": [',string_agg(json,','),']}') as json

  (SELECT CONCAT('{"id:"',CAST(ContainerId as nvarchar(100)),
       ',"material":[{',string_agg(json,','),'}]}') as json,
       dense_rank() over(partition by ContainerId order by ContainerId) rnk
     (SELECT ContainerId ,MaterialId,CONCAT('"id":',CAST(MaterialId as nvarchar(100))
           ,',"size":[',string_agg('{"id":'   CAST(SizeId as nvarchar(100))   '}',','),']') as json
     FROM tb  
     GROUP BY ContainerId,MaterialId) T
  GROUP BY ContainerId) T


demo in db<>fiddle

CodePudding user response:

Well, it isn't pretty but this appears to work:

   container As (SELECT distinct containerid As id FROM jsonArray1 As container)
 , material As (SELECT distinct materialid As id, containerid As cid FROM jsonArray1 As material) 
 , size As (SELECT sizeid As id, materialid As tid, containerid As cid FROM jsonArray1 As size) 
SELECT container.id id, material.id id, size.id id
FROM container
JOIN material ON material.cid = container.id 
JOIN size     ON size.tid = material.id AND size.cid = material.cid

sqlfiddle example

AUTO will structure JSON for you, but only by following the structure of the data tables used in the query. Since the data starts out "flat" in a single table, AUTO won't create any structure. So the trick I applied here was to use WITH CTE's to restructure this flat data into three virtual tables whose relationships had the necessary structure.

Everything here is super-sensitive in a way that normal relational SQL would not be. For instance, just changing the order of the JOINs will restructure the JSON hierarchy even though that would have no effect on a normal SQL query.

I also had to play around with the table and column aliases (a lot) to get it to put the right names on everything in the JSON.

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