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Extracting text from a file name and putting it in a column


EDIT: To make things as reproducible as possible, I made a dummy bucket on AWS that I will give the credentials for.

What I'm trying to accomplish: Create a new column in each dataframe that comes from a CSV file in the S3 bucket called state_name that contains the name of the state in the .csv file name.

Here is the access:

  "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" = "us-east-1"

The first part of the script creates a dataframe based on the file information coming from the S3 bucket. There's also some cleaning that isn't particularly relevant to this question, but I kept in to maintain script integrity.

#Retrieves all the items in an S3 bucket.    

    all_buckets <-aws.s3::get_bucket_df(bucket = "so-bucket-test-1222", max = Inf) %>% arrange(desc(LastModified))

    #Filtering out some unnecessary files in the bucket (not super relevant to this question, but keeping it in to maintain script integrity)

    buckets_format <- all_buckets %>% filter(str_detect(Key, '-Algorithm='))

    buckets_script_results <- all_buckets %>% filter(str_detect(Key, '-script_results-')) %>% filter(!str_detect(Key, '-Algorithm=')) %>% filter(!str_detect(Key, '2020'))

The next part of the script is creating a character vector with all of the names of the CSV files that are going to be extracted from the S3 bucket, opened, and put it into a dataframe.

 #Extracts the key needed to retrieve and open the CSV files in the bucket

    script_results <- buckets_script_results$Key

Here is the part where I actually extract the data from the CSVs living in the S3 bucket, and put it all into one dataframe:

#This is the actual extraction process where the files are downloaded and put into a dataframe.

    build_list <- lapply(script_results, function(fn) aws.s3::s3read_using(read.csv, bucket="so-bucket-test-1222", object=fn))

    build_df <- do.call(rbind.fill, archives)

So what I am trying to do is build a process into this function that takes the extracted state name from the file name, and then using that to create a new column in each downloaded file that contains the state name.

For example: The pennsylvania file will have a new column called state_name where all four rows say pennsylvania. Same thing for all 939 rows in the wisconsin file, and so on...

So the final dataframe should look something like this:

final_df <- read.csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datacfb123/testdata/main/final_df.csv')

EDIT: From Cazman's answer

  "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" = "us-east-1"

all_buckets <-aws.s3::get_bucket_df(bucket = "so-bucket-test-1222", max = Inf) %>% arrange(desc(LastModified))

buckets_script_results <- all_buckets %>% filter(str_detect(Key, '-script_results-')) %>% filter(!str_detect(Key, '-Algorithm=')) %>% filter(!str_detect(Key, '2020'))

script_results <- buckets_script_results$Key

build_func <- function(path) {
  state = str_extract(path, paste(tolower(state_name), collapse = "|"))
  temp = aws.s3::s3read_using(read.csv, bucket="so-bucket-test-1222", object=path)
  temp['state'] = state

build_list <- lapply(script_results, build_func)

CodePudding user response:

If I understand correctly, you want to do what @GregorThomas said in regards to finding the state name in the path, but to do it in the context of the function inside the build_list apply(). I couldn't connect to the AWS database, so I modified everything to read from the GitHub repo, but if I understand the s3read_using() function correctly, it will return a data frame from read.csv() in this case.

s = lapply(script_results, function(x) paste('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datacfb123/testdata/main/', x, sep = ""))
s = unlist(s)

state_name = str_replace(state.name, "\\s", "-")
build_func <- function(path) {
  state = str_extract(path, paste(tolower(state_name), collapse = "|"))
  temp = read.csv(path) %>%
    select(c(1: 7))
  temp['state'] = state

build_list <- lapply(s, build_func)

build_df <- bind_rows(build_list, .id = 'column_label')

The head of build_df:

  column_label       ID ID.Type Voter.First.Name Voter.Last.Name Voter.Phone
1            1  9321329       B       firstname1       lastname1  1234567890
2            1  8958993       B       firstname2       lastname2  1234567891
3            1   119964       B       firstname3       lastname3  1234567892
4            1 12713977       B       firstname4       lastname4  1234567893
5            1 13997387       B       firstname5       lastname5  1234567894
6            1  9813986       B       firstname6       lastname6  1234567895
  Date.Called Time.Called..EST.     state Voter.ID
1    10/16/20      06:30 PM EST wisconsin       NA
2    10/16/20      06:31 PM EST wisconsin       NA
3    10/16/20      06:31 PM EST wisconsin       NA
4    10/16/20      06:31 PM EST wisconsin       NA
5    10/16/20      06:31 PM EST wisconsin       NA
6    10/16/20      06:31 PM EST wisconsin       NA

and the tail:

     column_label ID ID.Type Voter.First.Name Voter.Last.Name Voter.Phone
1469            4 NA       A     firstname422     lastname422  1234568311
1470            4 NA       A     firstname423     lastname423  1234568312
1471            4 NA       A     firstname424     lastname424  1234568313
1472            4 NA       A     firstname425     lastname425  1234568314
1473            4 NA       A     firstname426     lastname426  1234568315
1474            4 NA       A     firstname427     lastname427  1234568316
     Date.Called Time.Called..EST.          state Voter.ID
1469     9/28/21      07:57 PM EST north-carolina 10248248
1470     9/28/21      07:56 PM EST north-carolina  6290407
1471     9/28/21      07:58 PM EST north-carolina 18397149
1472     9/28/21      07:58 PM EST north-carolina 19520720
1473     9/28/21      07:59 PM EST north-carolina 17216409
1474     9/28/21      08:00 PM EST north-carolina 19273804

The only thing I really did was modify the state.names to replace spaces with - since your paths looked to be formatted that way, and put what @GregorThomas wrote into a function.

With the credentials, build_func() turns into:

build_func <- function(path) {
  state = str_extract(path, paste(tolower(state_name), collapse = "|"))
  temp = aws.s3::s3read_using(read.csv, bucket="so-bucket-test-1222", object=path)
  temp['state'] = state

and the call is:

build_list <- lapply(script_results, build_func)

and head(build_df[, 1:11]):

column_label       ID ID.Type Voter.First.Name Voter.Last.Name Voter.Phone
1            1  7591131       A       firstname1       lastname1  1234567890
2            1  7930949       B       firstname2       lastname2  1234567890
3            1  7371170       B       firstname3       lastname3  1234567890
4            1  7725825       A       firstname4       lastname4  1234567890
5            2 11808809       A       firstname1       lastname1  1234567890
6            2  2236195       A       firstname2       lastname2  1234567891
  Date.Called Time.Called..EST.         starting_question        state call_ask
1    10/19/21      04:35 PM EST              Wrong Number pennsylvania     <NA>
2    10/19/21      04:28 PM EST              Not Home (1) pennsylvania     <NA>
3    10/19/21      04:33 PM EST               Refused (2) pennsylvania     <NA>
4    10/19/21      04:34 PM EST                    Hangup pennsylvania     <NA>
5    11/29/21      03:16 PM EST Talking to Correct Person      arizona      Yes
6    11/29/21      03:14 PM EST          Wrong Number (2)      arizona     

There are quite a few columns that seem to have a lot of NA, but I assume that is the data? Regardless unique(build_df$state) returns:

[1] "pennsylvania" "arizona" "north-carolina"

with 535 total rows.

CodePudding user response:

We can use the built-in vector state.name to extract the state names using regex.

x = c("10162021-test-wisconsin-script_results-10-16-2020-568019545.csv",

(states = str_extract(x, paste(tolower(state.name), collapse = "|")))
# [1] "wisconsin"    "pennsylvania" "arizona"  

Then, if you use set the list names to be the extracted state names, dplyr::bind_rows can add an ID column:

names(build_list) = states
build_df = dplyr::bind_rows(build_list, .id = "state")

In the context of your script:

all_buckets <-aws.s3::get_bucket_df(bucket = "test-bucket", max = Inf) %>% arrange(desc(LastModified))

#Filtering out some unnecessary files in the bucket (not super relevant to this question, but keeping it in to maintain script integrity)

buckets_format <- all_buckets %>% filter(str_detect(Key, '-Algorithm='))

buckets_script_results <- all_buckets %>% filter(str_detect(Key, '-script_results-')) %>% filter(!str_detect(Key, '-Algorithm=')) %>% filter(!str_detect(Key, '2020'))

#Extracts the key needed to retrieve and open the CSV files in the bucket

script_results <- buckets_script_results$Key

#This is the actual extraction process where the files are downloaded and put into a dataframe.

build_list <- lapply(script_results, function(fn) aws.s3::s3read_using(read.csv, bucket="test-bucket", object=fn))

states = stringr::str_extract(x, paste(tolower(state.name), collapse = "|"))
names(build_list) = states
build_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(build_list, .id = "state")
## (assuming `archives` was a typo for `build_list`
##  since `build_list` doesn't come up again
##  and `archives` came out of nowhere)
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