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Serializing scalar JSON in Flutter's Ferry Graphql for flexible Query


I have the following JSON scalar:

The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf).
scalar JSON

which I am trying to convert since my query is accepting input: JSON. When testing using graphql playground, query is JSON object thus the following works:

query {
  carts(where: {
    owner:{id: "xxx"}
    store:{name: "yyy"}
  }) {
# query is the starting from the where: {...}
# build.yaml
# build.yaml
gql_build|schema_builder: #same for gql_build|schema_builder   gql_build|var_builder   ferry_generator|req_builder:
              name: DateTime
              name: BuiltMap<String, dynamic>
              import: 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart'
        enabled: true
          schema: myapp|lib/graphql/schema.graphql
            - import: 'package:myapp/app/utils/builtmapjson_serializer.dart'
              name: BuiltMapJsonSerializer

This is the custom serializer (builtmapjson_serializer.dart)

//// lib/app/utils/builtmapjson_serializer.dart
import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import "package:gql_code_builder/src/serializers/json_serializer.dart";

class BuiltMapJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<BuiltMap<String, dynamic>> {
  BuiltMap<String, dynamic> fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    print('MyJsonSerializer fromJson: $json');
    return BuiltMap.of(json);

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson(BuiltMap<String, dynamic> operation) {
    print('MyJsonSerializer toJson: ${operation.toString()}');
    return operation.asMap();

and the usage:

Future testQuery() async {
    Map<String, dynamic> queryMap = {
      "where": {
        "owner": {
          "id": "xxx",
          "store": {"name": "yyy"}
    final req = GFindCartsReq((b) {
      return b..vars.query.addAll(queryMap);
    var resStream = _graphQLService.client.request(req);
    var res = await resStream.first;
        'linkExceptions: ${res.linkException}'); // Map: LinkException(Bad state: No serializer for '_InternalLinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>'.)

So whenever I try to query, it is throwing the linkException stated in the comment on the last line of usage. Any idea what should be the way of serializing it?

CodePudding user response:

// Write query like this
query FindCarts($owner_id: String!, $store_name: String!) {
  carts(where: {
    owner:{id: $owner_id}
    store:{name: $store_name}
  }) {
// And make request like this:
final req = GFindCartsReq((b) => b..vars.store_name = 'XXX'..vars.owner_id = 'YYY');

I think you may be misunderstanding the use case. they are there to serialize and deserialize the response if you want to end up with a Dart object that's different from graphql representation. you may want to try rereading this section: https://ferrygraphql.com/docs/custom-scalars/#create-a-custom-serializer

in the example in the docs, the graphql schema returns an int for the timestamp, but we want to actually use a Date object, so that's the purpose of the serializer. it tells ferry to deserialize the int in our responses to a Date so we can use a Date in our dart code. you could still use a json serializer (like in the examples you linked to) but it still would not be in the way you're trying to use it -- it would be if your schema returns a json string and you want to deserialize the json string. for example, in my case, my graphql schema actually does return a "jsonb" type on some objects. in order to handle that, i'm using built_value's default json_object like this:

              name: JsonObject
              import: "package:built_value/json_object.dart"
            - import: "package:built_value/src/json_object_serializer.dart"
              name: JsonObjectSerializer
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