Home > Blockchain >  Sorting documents by sum of specific field in array of other referenced documents
Sorting documents by sum of specific field in array of other referenced documents


My main schema sort of looks like this:

 _id: id,
 random: random, 
 cards: [objectId, objectId, ...]   //ref to cards

ex of card:

 _id: id,
 random: random, 
 random: random,
 clicks: 15.

I would like to sort the top schema by the sum of clicks within the cards.

CodePudding user response:


  • lookup to do the left join, and joined card documents to be an array (join happens if array contains the card _id)
  • sum the clicks
  • sort by the field that has the sum

*if you want descending use sort -1 instead of 1

Test code here

   {"from": "cardCollection",
    "localField": "cards",
    "foreignField": "_id", 
    "as": "clickSum"}},
 {"$set": {"clickSum": {"$sum": "$clickSum.clicks"}}},
 {"$sort": {"clickSum": 1}}])


  • same like the above but does the calculation before the join (its better but slightly bigger code)

Test code here

    {"from": "cardsCollection",  
      "localField": "cards",
      "foreignField": "_id",
      [{"$group": {"_id": null, "clicksSum": {"$sum": "$clicks"}}}],
      "as": "clicksSum"}},
  {"$set": {"clicksSum": {"$arrayElemAt": ["$clicksSum.clicksSum", 0]}}},
  {"$sort": {"clickSum": 1}}])

CodePudding user response:

I ended up using this:

          {$lookup: {from: "cards", localField: "cards", foreignField: "_id", as: "cards"}},
          {$set: {clickSum: {$sum: "$cards.clicks"}}},
          {$sort: {clickSum: -1}}
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