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C - Overriden method not called properly (memory violation)


In my program I'm trying to create abstract class called "DMA", from which "BaseDMA" inherits from it. Then classes "LacksDMA" and "HasDMA" inherits from "BaseDMA". Every class override method readInfo() from "DMA". Here is the code:


#ifndef DMA_H_
#define DMA_H_

#include <iostream>

class DMA
        char * label;
        DMA(const char * l); 
        DMA & operator=(const DMA & anotherDMA);
        virtual ~DMA();
        virtual void readInfo() const = 0;
        char * getLabel() const ;

class BaseDMA: public DMA
        int rating;
        BaseDMA(const char * l,  int r = 0);
        BaseDMA(const BaseDMA & anotherBaseDMA);
        virtual ~BaseDMA();
        BaseDMA & operator=(const BaseDMA & anotherBaseDMA);
        void readInfo() const override;

class LacksDMA: public BaseDMA
        enum { COL_LEN = 40 };
        char color[COL_LEN];
        LacksDMA(const char * c = "no color", const char * l = "no color", int r = 0);
        LacksDMA(const LacksDMA & anotherLacksDMA);
        LacksDMA & operator=(const LacksDMA & anotherLacksDMA);
        void readInfo() const override;

class HasDMA: public BaseDMA
        char * style;
        HasDMA(const char * s = "lack", const char * l = "lack", int r = 0);
        HasDMA(const HasDMA & anotherHasDMA);
        HasDMA & operator=(const HasDMA & anotherHasDMA);
        void readInfo() const override;

#endif DMA_H_


#include <string.h>

DMA::DMA(const char * l)
    this->label = new char[strlen(l) 1];
    strcpy(this->label, l);

DMA & DMA::operator=(const DMA & anotherDMA)
    if(this == &anotherDMA)
        return * this;
    delete [] this->label;
    this->label = new char[strlen(anotherDMA.label) 1];
    strcpy(this->label, anotherDMA.label);
    return *this;

char * DMA::getLabel() const
    return this->getLabel();

    delete [] label;

BaseDMA::BaseDMA(const char * l,  int r)
    : DMA(l)
    this->rating = r;

BaseDMA::BaseDMA( const BaseDMA & anotherBaseDMA)
    : DMA(anotherBaseDMA.label)
    this->rating = anotherBaseDMA.rating;



BaseDMA & BaseDMA::operator=(const BaseDMA & anotherBaseDMA)
    if(this == &anotherBaseDMA)
        return *this;
    this->rating = anotherBaseDMA.rating;
    return *this;

void BaseDMA::readInfo() const
   std::cout << "BaseDMA object:\n";
   std::cout << "Label: " << this->getLabel() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Rating: " << this->rating << std::endl;

LacksDMA::LacksDMA(const char * c, const char * l, int r)
    strcpy(this->color, c);

LacksDMA::LacksDMA(const LacksDMA & anotherLacksDMA)
    : BaseDMA(anotherLacksDMA)
    strcpy(this->color, anotherLacksDMA.color);

LacksDMA & LacksDMA::operator=(const LacksDMA & anotherLacksDMA)
    if(this == &anotherLacksDMA)
        return *this;
    strcpy(this->color, anotherLacksDMA.color);
    return * this;

void LacksDMA::readInfo() const
    std::cout << "LacksDMA object:\n";
    std::cout << "Color: " << color << std::endl;

HasDMA::HasDMA(const char * s, const char * l, int r)
    :BaseDMA(l, r)
    this->style = new char[strlen(s) 1];
    strcpy(this->style, s);

HasDMA::HasDMA(const HasDMA & anotherHasDMA)
    this->style = new char[strlen(anotherHasDMA.style) 1];
    strcpy(this->style, anotherHasDMA.style);

    delete [] this->style;

HasDMA & HasDMA::operator=(const HasDMA & anotherHasDMA)
    if(this == &anotherHasDMA)
        return *this;
    delete [] this->style;
    this->style = new char[strlen(anotherHasDMA.style) 1];
    strcpy(this->style, anotherHasDMA.style);
    return *this;
void HasDMA::readInfo() const
    std::cout << "HasDMA object:\n";
    std::cout << "Style: " << this->style << std::endl;



#include "dma.h"

void menuPanel();
void printDMS(DMA ** dms, int count);
int main()
    const int DMA_COUNT = 4;
    DMA * dmas[DMA_COUNT]; 
    for(int i = 0; i < DMA_COUNT; i  )
        void menuPanel();
        int choice;
            (std::cin >> choice).ignore();
        } while (choice < 1 || choice > 3);
        std::cout << "Write label: ";
        char label[40];
        std::cin.getline(label, 40);
        std::cout << "Write rating: ";
        int rating;
        (std::cin >> rating).ignore();
        if(choice == 1)
            dmas[i] = new BaseDMA(label,rating);
            std::cout << std::endl;
        else if(choice == 2)
            std::cout << "Write color: ";
            char color[40];
            dmas[i] = new LacksDMA(color, label, rating);
        else // choice == 3
            std::cout << "write style: ";
            char style[40];
            dmas[i] = new HasDMA(style, label, rating);
    for(int i = 0; i < DMA_COUNT; i  )
        delete dmas[i];

void menuPanel()
    std::cout << "Panel action:\n";
    std::cout << "1) make BbaseDMA" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "2) make LacksDMA" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "3) make HasDMA" << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

void printDMS(DMA **  dms, int count)
    for(int i = 0; i < count; i  )
        std::cout << std::endl;

When I try to use runtime polymorphism with by calling readInfo() method in main() I get message about memory violation. What I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance for your answers.

CodePudding user response:

There are a number of issues with your code, but your memory issue is here:

char * DMA::getLabel() const
    return this->getLabel();

As soon as getLabel() is called, such as in BaseDMA::readInfo(), you enter an endless recursion loop that eventually overflows the call stack.

DMA::getLabel() should be returning this->label instead:

char * DMA::getLabel() const
    return this->label;
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