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What ordinary people don't know now industry of sudden huge profits


What is profiteering: when you ask 100 people, 99 don't know, but the market is very hot, the so-called windfall, are generally most of people are beginning to look not to understand and disdain, to bring in essence of profiteering,
That most people don't understand, does generally comes from: the increase of the new dimension, is the new dimension of whole industries has increased in the past, so the identification of new dimensions, in order to find the real profiteering industry, (say 10 times, to remember the words, profitable ideas have naturally)

Say first part people don't understand and disdain for example
Do Internet project for a long time to find, a year make hundreds of thousands of people don't speak, also dare not to come out to show off in an ostentatious manner, can only silently away, because Internet project there are too many people make money, some time ago, bought a mobile phone photography on trill training courses, course is very cheap, only 69 yuan,
I said I first submitted to the process of the course: I brush on the trill to a video teaching others mobile phone photography, I have some interest, so I pay attention to him,
Once his live sent to me, I took a look inside, the original mammal in the recruit students, teaching mobile video filming and production, 69 yuan a, to learn to add signature WeChat, added his WeChat, so I added after I made 69 dollars in the past, he pulled me into a learning qq group,
Course all yourself see video learning, he all the teaching video on the network backup files, he have to do is only responsible for after sales, I added, only more than 70 individuals, group of display is 6 groups,
500 people filled with four days later, a group of earned 34500 yuan, added up to a total of six group earned 207000 yuan, according to the development of a group of time, also more than a month's time, most will earn 200000 a month, this is equivalent to many years of pay, tend to be so simple to make money, will be a selling point continuously deep is ok and the Internet to make money is nothing but see advertising and imitation copy, know the person nature understand, execution, understand will do,

Besides a lot don't know the unpopular and profiteering example
Throughout the past few years the rapid development of Internet, was born in each tuyere approaching a group of super-rich, at the same time, I found an important rule: often tuyere opportunity comes, you catch in the first wave approach, we will be able to earn money
Michael (millet to lei jun) said before the sentence is right: stand in tuyere, pigs can fly, as long as ordinary people firmly seize an opportunity, can realize the life counter attack,
Ajie is a good man, I grew up in shenzhen, degree is not high, when I was a child is not sensible love playing video games, college is a common engineering, the university also didn't have a good business is business, he felt that making money is more important, during the period of school business do taobao, open game studios, also make some money,
Later learned that the currency of this stuff, soon began to fry COINS () five years ago, it didn't take long before the money is finished, then with all my heart to delve into this industry, kui kui earn earn three years, until 2017 to catch a bull market, made more than 1000, and later in a bear market lost half, finally feel bored with notes and then found a private equity company work as a trader, earning 15 k +, current assets 5 million + cash,
Understands from last year, the currency is something I began to interested in block chain, when I really understand the chain block is a solution to the security, the technology of trust, I think this thing later must have a market, then had not careful study, but I found a strange phenomenon, I asked around most of the people, they do not know or understand the block chain,
This sparked my interest even more, I also think might be a chance, they usually will focus on some digital currency market, the value of it comes from the consensus, so the purse and mining of digital currency is a tuyere projects over the years,
Tell me about digital cloud wallet first, before fry currency trading by artificial judgment to analyze market, look at the entire disk moves to buy, but now is not the same, by artificial intelligence, big data analysis and other trading to go to the market to make money,
This really bad, I enter Cloud token found that the cow force of it, after do ZhongDuanXian notes before, eyes to stare every trading day dead tired, still have to focus on a variety of official,
With artificial intelligence, instead of trading, earn interest, this as a global market is in is too big, than I do from the media of a few hundred a day, I'm more bullish on block chain digital cloud wallet and dig,
I can only say, the field most of people don't know the core of its profits to make money secret: quantitative trading
Simply speaking, a digital wallet is balance of blocks in the chain of treasure of cloud, into mainstream currency, will generate revenue, the income how come? You must be very curious, (don't worry, look down)
An chestnuts: what if I don't see COINS too big fall, like waves, at that time, I took out some COINS, do short line operation, buy up 10, to sell up to 2%, then, I again to buy 10, up to 2% and sell, so for a dozen times a day, can earn 20%; If I for 100 times, you can earn 200%, if I put 10000 COINS, into 1000 pieces, each operating 100 times, can achieve higher returns? But as a normal person, to fully manual to looking at the data, to do the deal, people will be dead tired, and go up the moment cannot guarantee to sell in time, so there are many intelligent people was thinking about using a computer program to control, set up in what price to put how many, or how much to sell, the automation of software is quantitative trading software,
Use simple words to understand is that we put the money in the purse to join, JARVIS will according to the analysis of the data to make money by trading strategy algorithm (by high-frequency hedge, quantitative trading, trading strategy to earn profits) this is the reason for money,
Block chain, of course, only the ground application, payments to the ground and floor service life, to reflect its huge commercial value, look at the development of mobile payment in recent years, pay treasure to look again at home, and then trying to take the yuan to the downstairs supermarket to buy things to see xi also not accustomed to, you know the value of the trend behind,
Quantitative trading can make money, but in my opinion, just reached a business model, quantitative trading tools of consensus, "Internet consensus on what form the past couple of years? Most of the money by financing subsidies, the premise is to have a good business model,
For example: drops a taxi has just come out through online docking, finally solved the problem of the people's life travel, killed most of the taxi business, let just contact details of the wave of the old driver made money,
Ask yourself, what are you doing now to drops, also can earn money, also can make a living on gas, because consensus once formed, once the commercial value, platform will also give you so much profit? Most of the nature of the business model is the principle of reciprocity, you help me to achieve the commercial value, I let you get rich in this process, the dry drops were now drive Mercedes, the driver of the shopkeeper do taobao shop now has five star crown, the dry since the media now has several their millions of fans large, from tuyere appears to be the world recognition is the process of phase of the windfall,
Once the platform after accepted by most people, realize the commercial value, that you still have a chance? Similarly, pay treasure now successful, you put the money in the balances, treasure the interest there will be so high?
Similarly, block chain is not yet in pay a significant breakthrough in application field, if you can through the development of mobile payment in recent years, domestic success, through paying treasure and ecological behind it to use a long-term view to see the value of this field in the future?
Many will not understand when digital currency prices rose, participants when a large number of value-added assets, who is the one we really earn money?
Decentralized digital assets is a huge opportunity, because the cake is so big, as to how long can carve up, I guess there are at least three to five years, but for a person, take the opportunity to All in one year is enough, when you earn enough, accumulated sufficient capital, later will have more opportunities,
Over the years, in people can make a lot of money I have ever seen, no one is not by chance, this is very cruel, but the fact, because in an era of rapid development, a person to be successful, "opportunity" is far more important than "ability", only when the social stability, a person's ability to decide how much money a person can earn,
So please remember: people's efforts in front of the trend, simply isn't worth mentioning. Therefore: choice is greater than the effort, this principle (20 years) you can break the limitation of cognitive, huge profits could be detected,
A thing can succeed, in most case, it is because you believe it can be successful, if holding a hesitant attitude from the start, I'm sorry, it's ten to one be,
There is also a very important point, want to find a windfall industry, learn to see trends, luo fat is not said in a speech in 2018 yao: hiding our generation in small trend of the future,
If the tuyere is plane, small trend is like a bus, come for a while, as long as the ordinary people can hold a small trend, can become a winner in life,
I also have a good habit, be like to see some industry news, when I capture the sina finance and economics recently launched after block chain column, by the country's control on a few years ago, to embrace today, let me think of the Internet bosses Zhou Hongyi said a words: there is a competitor always play, it is trend,
These phenomena, enough to prove that: block chain era is coming, wait for 5 g, everything connected, after every cell phone is an independent, decentralized node
If profiteering industry is so easy to understand, you did not have the significance of the windfall will, when the truth is accepted by everyone, truth will be reduced to common sense, you have no opportunities and advantages to become a preacher,
5 g short video has already started to break out, before the arrival of the second will be the outbreak of the chain must be digital assets blocks areas, of course really understand only a few,
Finally summary sentence: want to seize profiteering industry to make money really want to rely on, there are too many people in this society smart efforts, from now on change of cognitive, seize the opportunity to focus All in one thing, believe me, less than a year, you will be able to counter attack,
Recently saw a lot of information, there is no clear facts, he said in public "liar, leeks," in fact, we are all adults, oneself also can have judgment,
If you open the restaurant closed down, don't the whole food industry is dry up? What is this logic? Why not analysis is their food out of the question, the management gave an issue, location out of the question, and to deny the whole industry? Any industry has a hole, you step into that because you silly! Don't go to the analysis judgment, not pit just strange!
When taobao come out a lot of people say is cheater, more now? Changed people's way of shopping, social electricity ShangGang out spray is a lot of people, not just to share the economy with CX and gathered not listed so now, why don't you go to spray? I what all not, just take us these poles,
Smart people learn to observe, investigation, to analyze problems, don't always think of yourself as the victim, let others to calm your mood, also don't feel like lying to you, excuse me, do you have any good cheat? Sometimes is not a cheater too much, it is fool enough!
First of all, the current block chain market is trillions of total market capitalization, every day in billions more volume, high liquidity in global market capacity are derived from the great quantitative trading market, provides the digital assets value-added environment,
Secondly, from the population also there is a big market, in terms of China's participation, only three over one thousand of the population, the world to participate in, the number of chain block is only three over one thousand of the global population, market space is very large,
Finally, now block chain including the wallet is still in its early stage of development, especially payments, the future potential is immeasurable,
Block from industry chain has been committed to solves one thing, it is block chain, such as what is the real life quick digital currency payment issues,
Has experienced three generations (COINS, Ethernet, EOS), but still failed to solve the area piece of confirmation within short time of 1 second, even within 1 minute, the clock is not reached, the currency has been in a few words falls between two stools of investment value, and didn't have to implement flow value,
And the current BBS block chain 4.0 build in support to the mobile technology, then where is 4.0 times of the specific meaning?
Block trade confirmation time, as we all know, such as BTC per second, as a representative of the 1.0 7.3 transaction processing, the actual capacity by half around 3.6 pen;
ETH actual as a representative of the 2.0 per 20 or so deal;
EOS as a representative of the 3.0 after many technical review every process up to 250 or so deal;
4.0 but block chain, it is each phone as nodes, mobile intelligent confirm deal, the more people trading, to speed faster, 1000 people use, for example, the lowest 26974 transactions per second speed witness trading,
5 g once fall to the ground, block chain digital wallets tuyere is definitely over the past few years, every missed opportunity is in hindsight, but in the Internet age, every year, no shortage of opportunities, lack is cognitive, pattern breakthrough,
I still believe, as profiteering industry, only a few people can understand forever, and to remain constant, ordinary people can come into contact with, he is not normal,
Recently wrote an article:

[why do we always miss out on the Internet, COINS, to buy a house, taobao such wealth opportunity?]

Why do we always miss out on the Internet, COINS, to buy a house, taobao such wealth opportunity? Not just because of thinking curing, cognitive dimensions does not lead to, change our cognitive system, in order to seize the opportunity,
Finally to borrow a word from the ray's booth for all:
See five years to three years, to make one or two years,
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