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JingYan about currency: currency circle of the new entrants guide - noun is introduced


JingYan about currency: currency circle of the new entrants guide - noun introduced

Don't understand the currency knowledge, listen to a person bought you say will earn? Don't understand the following knowledge only cut chives life!

Recent currency fluctuations can be said to be particularly large, has attracted the attention of a lot of people out, many fresh leeks come in to make a big wave and then in such a good trend, which buy shares of stock, buy gold to buy gold, this is just the inner thoughts, is, in fact, what also do not understand, listen to fool others, buy up looking forward to buy currency appreciation and currency fell himself has been caught in the inside, cutting and buy other then times on a slippery slope, now this situation will rise fall who also said not clearly, we can grasp the trend to buy a two-way, trading contracts, or can be caught, it's just JingYan opinion, tuen COINS too too drab, let's say you bought a currency now suddenly dropped a lot, so you only look forward to back up this year, although there is no losses by money, but the shadow of the in the mind has always been there,

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So JingYan here have a duty to tell you some knowledge, to avoid losses in the market or a quilt:

The first chapter: the noun

1: trading mechanism and noun

Open positions:

The open position in trading usually two kinds of operation mode, one is do more bullish, the other is a bearish market short, whether to do more or short, order business call it, open

For example: BTC1000 point buying or selling, are called open positions,


Positions is a term derived from the commodity futures trading, a party refers to the commodity business for the opponent to buy or sell futures contracts and transaction behavior,

E.g. BTC10000 point to buy, sell 10010, 10000 selling points out, 10010 to buy back, are liquidated

Check surplus:

When an option reaches a certain price, and profits, plans to leave positions, at this time of departure is check,

BTC10000 point buy to do more, for example, set up 10010 specified departure, just check the liquidated 10 points out,


When an option reaches a certain price, and losses, to unwind, to go out is to stop at this time,

BTC10000 point to sell short, for example, set up 10010 specified departure, just stop the liquidated 10 points out,

Do more:

Do more operation and short on the contrary, investors judge the trend of prices are rising, with present price after buying hold to rise, then the currency rise after selling, pocketed the difference, in general is to sell after buy,

For example, BTC feeling will rise, I bought buy hold up from 10000, is known as much,


Short and long operation on the contrary, investors judge the trend of prices have dropped, sold at current price to fall, after then buying after the currency rise, make the middle price difference, in general is to sell after buy,

For example, BTC feeling to fall, I from selling to buy at 10000, is called a short,

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Some poor:

A purchase price, a price point difference refers to the purchase price and sale price fixed price difference between the purchase price - the price=spread, spread is investors' trading costs, clinch a deal brokered market users,

For example: when the dish in the buying and selling of intraday price difference, the matching degree of the market is higher, such as selling 10000 points, buying is 9999 points, there is a little bit of difference exists,

Warehouse rate:

When to hold the market clinch a deal the single after entering the market, and overnight, the market will be hosting position, also called open interest,

For example: when a position open ChanGuo day, produce the cost 1 dollar overnight,

Plan to entrust:

Scheme was the single first fill out, commissioned in plate can clinch a deal in time,

For example, in the market has not yet arrived, to plan the Settings, such as 10000 points, now I want to buy, I think the market can also fell in a few, commissioned in 9950 is set plans, prices in the 9950 automatically entered into the market,

Limit order:

Is determined according to the customers' price or the price of the performance time goods contracts to buy or sell order, it is the second type is often used in commodity trading order contract, which established a buyer is willing to buy the highest price or the seller is willing to sell the lowest price, trading at the specified price,

For example, in the market has not yet arrived, to plan the Settings, such as 10000 points, now I want to buy, I think the market can also fell in a few, commissioned in 9950 is set plans, prices in the 9950 automatically entered into the market,

Market price:

Users are traded on the stock exchange trading goods, not buying or selling price, but carried out in accordance with the current prices to entrust, trading at the market's current prices,

For example: in the currency market, 10000 points, I think it will rise, in a hurry to enter the market, directly buy word is market price,

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Coin currency trading:

Coin currency trading mainly for virtual currency and virtual currency transactions between, in one of the currency as the unit to buy other currencies, currency currency trading rules is also complete dealmaking in price time preference order

For example: BTC/USDT, hold the BTC USDT want to buy, you can directly to buy BTC way to BTC, if want to sell BTC, sold at the current hold USDT, can get the BTC,

Fiat deal:

Fiat deal is by fiat money to buy, sell or trade digital assets, China as the yuan trading,

For example: digital assets held by the current want cash, needs to look for currency traders, fiat, when you want to get digital assets, will need to use the yuan to buy,


In a contract of fixed standard polyester prices, can do more than empty carry back and forth in the market,

Futures trading:

On the premise of time, locking time, a contract expire automatically settlement and delivery,

Spot transactions:

Don't have time for the premise, can only buy up a trading behavior, does not produce volatile arbitrage, exist only premium gains and losses,

T + D:

Do not specify a time, traders can choose the unwind, can also be an indefinite delay liquidated,

T + 0:

Do not specify a time, traders profit can be out at any time, disposal of funds,

Matching system:

Form a bet on a contract between the seller and the buyer, when buying and selling between users set, empty single and multiple single will flow into the market,

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Marketmakers by market-making system to maintain the liquidity of the market, meet the demand of public investors investment, market makers buy and sell offer the appropriate balance to compensate for the cost of their services, and realize a certain profit, the matching mechanism did not clinch a deal the single position, backfill clinch a deal the user in the form of money to fill the square of the warehouse receipt or order,


A kind of digital currency units,


A kind of digital currency units,


Will borrow money appended to the existing funds for investment, x 5 x 10 x50 x100 more incremental transmission quantity of realizing the maximization of interests, but also increased the risk, is a kind of asymmetric investment,

The digital assets extraction to any address,

Imitation COINS:

The digital assets prepaid phone to any address,

The hash value:

Function calculation equation of the chain, when a certain number of hash value imitation COINS will arrive,


Refers to the cost of fees, and a way of calculating the settlement of fees,

Broke in:

Blowing up, it is to point to in some special conditions, the investor rights and interests of the customer negative margin account, blowing up is a loss is more than the deposit in your account, after the risk is not enough to support the use of margin, exchange in order to prevent their lending margin losses so forcibly liquidated the assets owned by the phenomenon of 0,


Is a kind of calculation for determining user position risk ratio, when the risk rate is too high user position is safe, when the risk is too low, the user position is very dangerous,

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Chain ERC20:

Node of the chain in the etheric fang, cross chain speed, low cost,

Chain OMNI:

Node of the chain for COINS, cross chain speed, high cost,

Chain TRC20:

In the wave field currency as the node of the chain, chain speed, low cost,

You want to learn more about dry + wei: wincoinhnbc (note: the network name)

USDT contract:

USDT contract is a contract on the basis USDT as rivals,

The ETH contract:

ETH see more at coin currency trading, price of a contract is based on the ETH rivals, profit losses are calculated according to the ETH earnings,

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