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[JingYan about currency] : in the currency of investment deviation, strike deep heart!


[JingYan about currency] : in the currency of investment deviation, strike deep heart!

These days the fluctuation is not very big, JingYan night did not give you analyze market, want to know about prices friend can turn me on an article or contact JingYan himself, often losses on currency circle next to tell you about several reasons and investment all kinds of psychological, hope everybody can carefully watch welcome thumb up comments,

Intuition is the biggest challenges affect our success, foreign scholars study the process of behavioral finance, the eight kinds of emotions, summarizes the investment JingYan now take you to see how they affect our decision-making, analysis of financial behavior can let us see, a person's character is how to keep his illogical and irrational decision, the best example is the expectation theory, as humans, we are losses and gains the expected response is different,

As expected, for example, the theoretical analysis, if you lost $100, need to earn $200, in the mind to feel balanced, some investors are more concerned about the percentage of assets change, rather than he how many money, this is reverse thinking process, and is likely to let's focus on the wrong problem.

Investment deviation psychological:
Behavioural biases affect every one of us, according to our different personalities vary from person to person, this kind of deviation can be cognitive, to think and act, in some way or to follow the rule of thumb, deviation can also be an emotional: tend to be emotional, not rational analysis,

From Kent. Baker and victor. Kaldi in study, which looked at how emotions affect investor behavior, and lists the impact mood changes in the decision-making of 8 kinds of investment:

First impression: the first impression is difficult to change, we can selectively filter, pay more attention to support our point of view of information, and ignore other information, also, when we judge a person or a thing, often take preconceptions, investors is affected by the first impression, is more likely to find information that supported its original investment idea, rather than seeking to conflicting information,

Regret: also called emotional loss, its performance is to avoid making the wrong decision and produce the chagrin of emotions, if an investor expectations, he will regret it for the future investment will reduce the risk, because it reduces the likelihood of future losses, regret may explain why investors are reluctant to sell assets losses, because they don't want to face the fact that make the mistake of their investment,

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Disposition effect: this is an investment in advance marked success or failure, disposition effect deviation will cause investors to hold for a long time without any rise in space, or early to sell value outlook good products to make up for the loss before investment, which is harmful for investors, because it will increase the capital gains tax, even reduce pre-tax returns,

"Doctor" : another kind of emotion is wise after the event, the mood to let investors believe that the events of history is obvious and can accurately forecast, on the contrary, however, who are unable to completely reasonable and accurate prediction of the future,

Investment preferences: when this happens, investors tend to invest their familiar products or well-known products, rather than what seems more reasonable portfolio obviously, compared with the well-known domestic securities and funds, investors are more concerned with unknown securities or unknown funds investment abroad, which creates a portfolio is not reasonable and more losses,

Overconfidence: overconfidence investors will invest successful due to his own right, and the failure of investment due to the influence of external factors, these people like to put this sentiment as a means of self encouragement and self protection, long-term overconfidence will become conceited,

Blindly chase trend: many investors like to pursue good product history, their wishful thinking to believe that after the product will also continue to strengthen, but that is not the case, when a product performance is very good, the product issuers will increase the ads of this kind of product, attract investors, however, studies show that when the investors invest in this kind of product, tend to lose money, because in the past, a strong product rarely continue to grow in the future,

Fear: fear and anxiety is a normal and common human feelings, worries will arouse the bad memories, thus affecting investor for personal financial situation and future trend of judgment, Chris hayes think investment concerns will let investors for the risk is too sensitive and reduce the ability of risk, in order to avoid this kind of mood, investors should be the risk to bear ability match the appropriate asset allocation strategy,

How to adjust state of mind?

Increase their professional knowledge

Enemy and know yourself can ever victorious, if lack of investment knowledge, blind to follow suit, any attitude adjustment is an armchair strategist, has a wealth of knowledge to understand the root cause of the investment products fall, more can understand oneself is how how to profit loss, thus better understanding, is a cause or market would lead to their own profits and losses, with objective, professional eye problems, mood will get better natural,

2. Appropriate check full stop
Before to make an investment, we should all be clear oneself can withstand losses, and expected earnings, for ordinary investors professional knowledge is not so rich, should be to suppress heart of greed, the best way is to set limits full stops, the profit can at a predetermined point in time when check out, to keep the profits, too, because the market there will always be reversed, excessive greed end there is only one result, must be wiped out, do more harm than good,

3. Do not cowardice
A lot of people after a period of study and simulation of the plate after the deal, began to offer operation, if the early some losses, over a period of time to doubt their own trading level, less confident, also dare not do instant make good single, but does not follow the losses, in a cautious, hesitation, missed a lot of contradictions can restore the loss of opportunity, investors according to their own judgment to decisive, self-confident,

Life need to plan, and money to do; You don't money, money ignore you; By chance to make money, finance and investment by wisdom, rely on professional, investment is like playing chess, chess can see five steps, the most high seven steps or even dozen paces, residency and chess can only see two or three steps, the higher the interests, seeks the trend, not to a son, a heavy, aimed at eventually win, with the glass, only to fight for, the trapped, tendency, must have a long-term perspective, the investment must have long-term planning, and layout skills is the key to success,

I believe that you can read so many words, is the fate, investment is mostly see predestination, if you believe in fate, believe what I can do for you my heart, you can try to discuss with me, hope to have the teacher's friends can also collect my contact way, no one can accompany you to go to the end, perhaps which day you need me?

Wen/Zhang Jingyan
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