Home > Blockchain >  Pandas: get the row which has column value and update comments column with another value
Pandas: get the row which has column value and update comments column with another value


I have the below dataframe

       FQDN       ip address     verstatus        Comments
0     pp.xx.com   XX.XXX.XXX.XX   Developed           NaN
1     qq.xx.com   XX.XXX.XXX.XX   NaN                NaN
2     gg.xx.com   XX.XXX.XXX.XX   Reserve            NaN
3     gg.xx.com   XX.XXX.XXX.XX   Testing            NaN

so I need to update then comments when the verstatus not equal "Developed" or "NaN"(else anything)

so expected result would be

       FQDN       ip address     version status        Comments
0     pp.xx.com   XX.XXX.XXX.XX   Developed           NaN
1     qq.xx.com   XX.XXX.XXX.XX   NaN                NaN
2     gg.xx.com   XX.XXX.XXX.XX   Reserve            Reserve Status
3     gg.xx.com   XX.XXX.XXX.XX   Testing            Testing Status

I tried

df['Comments'] = df.apply(lambda x: x["version status"] " Status" if x['version status'] != 'Developed' or x['version status'].notna()  else x['Comments'], axis=1)

But it not works properly

CodePudding user response:

.notna() is a pandas function, but x['version status'] is a string, you should use pd.isna like this:

df['Comments'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['Comments'] if x['version status']=='Developed' 
                                                     or pd.isna(x['version status']) 
                                                  else x["version status"] " Status", 

I think this would be cleaner:

# version status is either Developed or nan
cond = df['verstatus'].eq('Developed') | df['verstatus'].isna()

# you can update with `np.where`
df['Comments'] = np.where(cond, df['Comments', df['verstatus']   ' Status')

CodePudding user response:

You can also use:

cond = ~df['verstatus'].isin(['Developed', np.nan])
df['Comments'] = df['Comments'].mask(cond, df['verstatus']   ' Status')


        FQDN     ip address  verstatus        Comments
0  pp.xx.com  XX.XXX.XXX.XX  Developed             NaN
1  qq.xx.com  XX.XXX.XXX.XX        NaN             NaN
2  gg.xx.com  XX.XXX.XXX.XX    Reserve  Reserve Status
3  gg.xx.com  XX.XXX.XXX.XX    Testing  Testing Status
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