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Free will block chain & amp; Data privacy


Currency's recent rally, peremptory drive encryption monetary stance towards another bull market, to invest the number of gold COINS have become so popular, in addition to its technical characteristics, but also because of people yearning for "free", since the currency is put forward, there's a certain "free will", it advocates decentralization and global free circulation is not affected by specific government restrictions and regulation, the user of the currency, which the user anonymity, etc.,

CoinDesk block chain Sentiment Survey (State of Blockchain Sentiment Survey) served as a study, in more than 1200 encryption monetary community respondents, 8% were anarchism capitalists, 24% are libertarians, 21% are conservative, 9% were neutral, and 27% are liberals, 9% is a socialist, 3% is a nihilist, encryption can be seen in early advocates currency, libertarians occupy the vast majority,

2009 years this astute issued a white paper currency, when The currency in The password punk attention, in The libertarian, libertarian view, people should have The freedom of The maximum equally, and The Government's main duty is to protect The freedom, this view can be in Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), found in The argument to The boundary of The state power support, he think is The most fundamental purpose of The Government "born some rights, protect The personal and property, to prevent The bullying of strong to weak, in short, to execute justice (The Proper Sphere of Government),"

Therefore, libertarians tend to support gay marriage in the society, the legalization of marijuana, protect the personal choice of issues, such as cancel compulsory military service (a related concept is Self - ownership, the ownership of the Self), and on economic issues, they will support the free economy, and against the government through the situation of tax to relief the personal property, and politically, libertarians tend to weaken the functions of the government support, such as monitoring infringement of personal privacy, so many libertarians and anarchists,

About privacy protection, the world's biggest privacy occur in the current market valuation of more than $5000 dollars technology giant Facebook, in March 2017, Facebook user record exposure due to AWS server configuration error on the Internet, exposed more than 50 million user privacy data, Ping Identity in Asia Pacific, the CTO Mark Perry said: "Facebook public in clear text display user password on the server's latest report is a pity, but is very common in the technology industry, Tech co., LTD. Is a user credentials and other personally identifiable information depository, is a precious resource in today's world," we see not hard, Facebook came under attack won't be alone, clear text user password, is a common operation, technology industry been streaking user privacy, don't talk about "privacy" 2 words,

What's more, CQR Consulting, chief technology officer and co-founder Phil Kernick Facebook data reveal that emphasized the reality of social media platform business model: "user is not a customer, they are the products", your data will be collected, filtering, aggregation, and then sold to any agreed to comply with Facebook don't protect the unprotected enterprise policy, in such a technical environment, each one of us, are advocated: "respect for data, for security, for privacy,"

2018 Facebook data reveal that leaked two months, in May 2018, the internal announcement announced, investing heavily in Messenger and the former chief executive of Paypay led by once David Marcus leadership new block chain technology research department, to provide users with after a privacy data control power on their own,
Facebook founder and CEO mark zuckerberg in March 6, 2019, published an article entitled "the social network of vision for the center with privacy" long, said, "build privacy centered principle of vision and messaging and social networking platform", increased personal private space in the network encrypted communication, data disposal, storage, service safety and data safety,

Etheric fang founder Vitalik Buterin once sigh with emotion: "there are too many false account Twitter, Facebook, and sets, cheat fan steal digital currency," he once reported to platform fraud case, but the platform allows these "imitator" accounts continue to exist, not delete or processing,
Facebook, in addition to counterfeit Vitalik Buterin and fake "iron man" Elon Musk even Donald trump, Vitalik said only two social media platform, Twitter and Reddit,

Facebook block chains, security, transparency, and data management, help build the user confidence and trust in the way of data storage and use, for example, a user can accurately see their personal data stored in the chain of blocks, and then decide which data can be released or sold to marketers, this also for the user through the block chain realized their own data opportunities opened the door, as a result, in June of this year, Facebook announced the issuing, via Facebook currency for social channels and data for advertisement, pay and to achieve a variety of scenarios, for the development of the whole block chain and user application data scenarios, is a milestone,

User privacy data and other data security, however, is the entire technology industry are faced with the problem, most technology companies, is not Facebook, no Facebook's background, data leakage, it is likely to have all the previous efforts to crash, also do not have Facebook's financial and technical strength, can quickly through the combination of new technologies, such as block chain, in order to perfect complement your business ecosystem,

Just a few months ago, the United States medical collection agencies AMCA suffered massive data leaks, makes the Quest of America's largest medical testing company and LabCorps data reveal that more than 20 million customer information leaked, things past before long, AMCA, parent of Retrieval - Masters Creditors Bureau has filed for bankruptcy protection,

Such cases are not alone, 2005 from CardSystems Solutions (an American credit card management company), stolen in 68000 of 40 million messages a mastercard account, 100000 Visa account and other credit card companies 30000 accounts, leaked data includes names, Numbers, and credit card password, May 12, in the following year CardSystems Solutions, filed for bankruptcy,

The data reveal that the case is far more than that, in January 2007, TJX company (clothes), claimed that the hacker points repeatedly stealing nearly 100 million account to credit card and card information, and help thousands of refund record, the data reveal that due to the large impact, brought $216 million of direct damage to TJX companies,

Every data leak caused a huge loss, the Heartland payment systems (130000000), 2009, 2013 in Adobe (38000000), 2013 Target Crop (300000000), Home Depot in 2014 (56000000) and 2015 Anthem (80000000), which have both had data breaches,

In addition to the economic losses caused by, users' privacy are stolen frequently, May 31, 2015, hackers on MySpace stole 360 million account user name, password, yahoo! Has stolen many times, on September 22, 2016, yahoo announced that they steal the 500 million user account password, but the incident is actually took place in 2014, according to yahoo, yahoo is also to the other in August 2016 launched an investigation into the leak data together, only to find that the fact that 500 million account theft in 2014, and December 2016, yahoo will create his own record of doubled, reached $1 billion, the real leak occurred in 2013, in November 2016 for the first time when found,

User privacy and data security is already the industry the most frequently mentioned topic, the emergence of chain blocks, let people once again turning to the privacy and data security, the user has the right to freedom of disposal of their own data, company should escort for the data more,

Open source block chain data module component Scry project, is the world chain block machine data contract application foundation, any data related application scenario, you can use Scry provide contract data aggregation of chain system, to encrypt data security, privacy, and data on the chain can check transparent to provide tools support, at the same time the data source integration with predicted machine, so as to realize intelligent contracts with external information real world data link, also have cross chain communication protocols, meet the needs of different application scenarios for different underlying, such as support for the etheric fang, bottom support IBM hyperleger, Facebook, etc., the bottom of the friendly also provides all kinds of adaptive development framework for developers tools, friendly and stable enterprise high concurrent invocations,

Any enterprise, can be called Scry development form to improve user data, business data security, and privacy, Scry data encryption interface, let each user's password is no longer clear streaking, point to point as a data transmission for end-to-end encryption, effectively protect the privacy of user account security for external other data, also can be very good protection data security, at the same time through Scry orcle predicted machine chain can be traced to check on the data, not tampered with, there are many development components and interfaces, in view of the multiple business escort data services sector, and the purpose of the Scry is technological tool provides a quick entry for developers, reduce the development cost and the difficulty, let every technology products can convenient application and call fast iterative optimization of your existing business system, the optimization of data security and product safety,

Block chain provides a solution for the technology industry, we have what reason not to, to protect our users, and protect their own products, (https://github.com/scryinfo)

CodePudding user response:

Privacy issue is indeed block chain in major issues need to be solved into the field of application, need to have both technical improvement, also cannot leave the information to protect the continuous improvement of the related legal system
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