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2.0 block chain technology and sharing economy


1 block chain technology to the developer's potential
We are now at the beginning of the block chain technology development cycle, the currency is block chain technology is also the most obvious application for the first time, but this is just the beginning, and now there is a can build trust in the network without the technology of the central authority, for developers, block chain technology development potential is beyond imagination, this technology may produce to be reckoned with in the future,
Block chain technology have the potential to reshape the economic activity, it is very important, unfortunately, the understanding of block chain technology and encryption money (COINS) mixed together, limiting the people's way of thinking, and blur the people's imagination to block chain technology more likely, it was found that will block the possibility of chain technology as outside of the market platform is difficult, however, its application in financial services is a small example, block chain technology in other industries, there are other valuable applications, including supply chain, such as provided in the diamond trade authenticity certificate (such as EverLedger - a British block chain startup); Or use for valuables (such as Assetcha. -) in the chain of custody; Or lease agreements for the real estate market to provide better (for example Midasium - Cambridge a block chain team), in a word, how much imagination, how much chance,
Due to the lack of standardization of terminology and competitive projects, make the situation more blurred, some people talk about chain specifically refers to the currency when the block chain, while others use the term block chain accounts may be used to represent the distributed classification, some companies provide private block chain solutions, such as the Ripple (Rayleigh wave currency - a network of base currency) used in the financial settlement, will Guardtime (a kind of technology, there is no key signature block chain engine technology) for data integration, for example, R3CEV is a composed of 43 bank consortium of Banks, it plans to build a private bank block chain,
Chain technology is the basis of all these blocks can be in the network without a central authority, standardized form soon, Hyperledger (led by Linux, including IBM and JP Morgan) are trying to build a cross-industry open standards,
2 the decentralized trust
Since the agricultural revolution, centralization is the core of the leadership principles of economy and society, along with the increase in population, people need to make better decisions for the public, not just for the individual, family or clan, the centralization of the driving force in the economic sphere also is widely used, have many large enterprise customers mainly tend to use the vertical integration and centralized function to improve efficiency and reduce cost, when the communication and transaction costs are high, the economy centralization is one of the most effective organization principle, but this kind of concentration is gradually changing, and will have a profound influence on human tissue, the Internet reduces the communication cost, block chain will bring the transaction cost the same impact,
Because don't need the central management institutions, block chain is likely to become the most important in the history of the democratization of strength, block chain technology application and the decentralized trust people beyond the current on their cognition, accounting, legal services, real estate and e-commerce industries are based on the trust between buyers and sellers build business model, in some sectors, with a long history of trust are on to the law, the barriers to entry and the protection of the new entrants, however, for those enterprises who act as intermediaries in the market, block chain technology will bring low-cost market,
Internet allows the content package and send to any others in the form of data, without the need for a distributor, it will cost reduced to almost zero marginal communication, chain block is a kind of economic framework and allows the entities and digital assets packaged and send them to anyone else, without the need for the central management institution, that the marginal transaction cost reduced to almost zero, selling houses like to read a blog small payment as easy, block chain technology provides Internet users with a scalable business model,
3 Shared economic 2.0
As people know about block chain technology more widely, more and more people begin to pay close attention to how it will upset the existing industry, electronic commerce, legal services and real estate will be based on the service goal of block chain technology, some of the dealer will provide more than the value of trust, for example, the amazon provides logistics and service the next day, only provide their signature and other middlemen and competition remain isolated legislative power, eliminate the need for mediation may affect some of the biggest technology company, do not need to use Uber, reality or eBay to contact with others, block chain services directly connected between individuals, sharing and exchange, to enter the real sharing economy, chain block is a true peer-to-peer transactions and "sharing economic platform,"
This upset the exciting, and acquired a lot of reports and consulting fees, but more important is to block chain technology will create new markets, in these markets, individuals can deal non-traditional assets, such as the prestige, data and attention, block chain technology makes all activities (no matter how small size) are easy to monetise, whether can be used in the micro grid environment block chain technology sharing energy and obtain the energy tokens? If you can pay someone 30 minute telephone counseling a consulting advice tokens? Or for sharing genetic data tokens, each time data is used, the type of model of authorized users will receive a token,
4 conclusion
Opportunity is enormous - has been extended to all the existing economic activities, and even extended to social activities that are currently unable to monetize, chain blocks, and the prospect of the technology as the reshaping of the social and economic, the developer's time to start building applications and experiments, this for audit and accounting services provide cheaper is a rare opportunity, many legal contracts are standardized, so the contract can be used to block chain technology and wisdom to provide cheaper legal services, in a larger scope, could you please block chain technology is applied to the vote? On security, anonymity and prevent fraudulent vote can be block by the claims of the chain services of the most important applications, rebuilt block chain technology will make industries, it is time to take action!
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