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COINS ring asked: K line is the most method of propeller full use, currency investment will see


Things, up and down one thousand years, but partial to say, 2019 COINS ring is still very big, big enough to novels,

Everybody is good! Propeller K line in our daily transactions will often encounter, have many friends also don't know about this, so today asked friends give money explain propeller K line is what and how to use, so we need to know what is the propeller K line?
A, what is the propeller K line
Propeller on the K line is so long, real small cross the line, because the K line shape named as the plane's propeller, the propeller K line is a strong turn signal, the K line form table rise and fall, as shown in figure 1,

Figure 1 propeller

And long reticle, propeller is turn signal, the propeller on so long, the technical means and long reticle, same propeller entities are small Yin line and small Yang line, suggests to close or empty square occupies a certain advantage, thus the propeller turn signals more strongly than long reticle,

1. The technical features of the propeller

1. The K line entity "line of Yin and Yang" are very small,

2. On so long,

3. The rise and will appear in the downtrend,

Second, the use of the propeller K line

After a propeller K line, investors need to pay attention to matters as follows,

? 1. Can be appeared in the rally, also can appear in the fall,

2. The opening price, closing price close, K line entity is small, but the highest and the lowest price difference is very big, so on so long,

The meaning of a propeller K line as follows,

1. If, in the slide show that will continue to be bearish,

2. If in the rally that afternoon bearish,

3. In the continuous acceleration downtrend, have a bottom to open the significance of

4. No matter the market or currency, after rising sharply, appear such K line, and then a couple of K line in the site could run, so the head is basically formed, prices continue to fall the possibility is very large,

5. If the K line in its later today part of the operation, there are may be a transitional form of the way up, investors should be on the sidelines,
If after the propeller to sideways form a few small Yin line, small Yang line, can be combined with 5 daily average line to you to decide after the price change of observation,

Three, asked special tips

1. Cross, cross hair, long reticle and propeller are turn signals. But the reliability of the signals, from weak to strong, in order: cross, cross hair, long reticle and propeller, traders in the stock price highs and lows seen long reticle and propeller, need to cause enough attention,

Generally in the rally, Yin line propeller is greater than Yang line reverse screw strength; In a downtrend, Yang line than Yin line reverse screw propeller powerfully,

2. For the turn signal in the "reverse" two characters, traders must correctly understand the meaning, turn generally refers to run in the direction of the trend has changed, the trend is divided into three types: the long-term trend, medium-term trends and short-term, the K line form the three trends have reverse effect, traders after closed out the K line form, can't take it for granted that the bull market or bear market is over, and in combination with other methods on technical analysis, determine what is a short-term, medium-term and long-term of the bottom and top, in fact, the K line form the trend, mostly short-term trend, the second is the medium-term trend, only a handful of cases, reverse K line form just at the top or bottom of the long-term trend,

In addition, the K line form only shows that the K line of la, long-short strength relatively balanced on both sides, cross and cross long-short carefully, both sides are tentatively offensive and defensive, long reticle and propeller long-short fierce battle, both sides but eventually won a decisive victory, so the K line form appeared in the process of rising, prices will continue to rise, appeared in the process of decline, prices will continue to fall, not rigid, see the K line form that is about to turn,

Normally closed out the K line form, if appear in the pressure, the turning point of trend line or technical support graphics, turn the probability that the price is very big, if there are on the rise or fall on the way, the price will continue to run in the direction of the original trend, mostly

In the key position of propeller, traders can moderate underweight, or keep a close watch on the second day, if the attack on the second day to continue measures, can hold fixed; If the slide down, or 36 plan "go on",

Usually, when you receive the propeller will be moderate, the bigger the quantity is more, how empty their differences, the greater the pressure or support is, the greater the reliability of the turn signal is stronger,

Above is the propeller K line and introduce the relevant matters needing attention and the significance of appeared after the K line, hope can help to everyone in the trade,

Asked the author: currency circle (life in addition to investment, and poetry and the distance, time is long, thin clothes, ladies and gentlemen, have longer)
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