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[QB exchange] must level domain, blockbuster online


On October 25, 2018, has being as trading platform of the domain name QB.COM announced online,

Top-level domain name QB.COM for the letters, and with tencent qq COINS are like, at least tens of millions of current value, and QB.COM to locate the global high-quality digital assets transaction platform, registered in Britain, the core team from top finance and science and technology enterprises, in the trading system research and development, security, chain block areas have years of experience, the team is currently more than 70 people, distribution of silicon valley in the United States, Taiwan, China, Switzerland, Canada, Singapore and other places, dedicated to global customers to provide safe, convenient high quality chain block asset trading services,

QB platform is understood to have won the Canadian digital asset trading license, the Swiss, dubai, places such as Malta trading licence is in application, it is well known that the encrypted digital asset industry presents the blowout growth in recent years, a large number of participants rapid influx, good and evil people mixed up, uneven once leading industry is very chaotic, merely exchange, come up to tens of thousands of home over the past year trading platform, its speed have mushroomed,

Many people think of exchange (low threshold, tens of thousands of dollars even can get a free trading system, for two or three people began operations, dare to do so or do not understand, or suspicion, trading system development operation difficulty is far higher than most common Internet products, will be no neglect, is by no means can be easily,) to discuss how to see the current market chaos, QB operations managers so answer,

(safety is the first priority, and trading platform is the foundation of all things,)

QB.COM team contact COINS began in 2008, is the world's one of the earliest to participate in the team in the field of digital currency, from the dig and extend to deal with the global currency arbitrage,

QB core architect team from the world's top Internet security company, in 2014, led the team to complete the full exchange system development and successful online operation, after years of practice make it security has a profound understanding of exchange,

Register to send thousands of QB

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