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please suggest how svg images shows


════════ Exception caught by SVG ═══════════════════════════════════════════════
    The following assertion was thrown resolving a single-frame picture stream:
    Unable to load asset: assets/images/Brochur.svg
    When the exception was thrown, this was the stack
    #0      PlatformAssetBundle.load
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #1      AssetBundle.loadString
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #2      AssetBundlePictureProvider._loadAsync
    <asynchronous suspension>
    Picture provider: ExactAssetPicture(name: "assets/images/Brochur.svg", bundle: null, colorFilter: null)
    Picture key: AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#cfadd(), name: "assets/images/Brochur.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0))
    V/PhoneWindow( 6803): DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 4, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@2ca2255, this = DecorView@944b46a[MainActivity]
    I/GED     ( 6803): ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 42, oppidx_max 42, oppidx_min 0


 "flutter_svg: ^1.0.3"


        crossAxisSpacing: 1,
        mainAxisSpacing: 2,
        crossAxisCount: 2,
        children: <Widget>[
            child: Stack(
              children: [
                  child: SvgPicture.asset("assets/images/Brochur.svg"),

CodePudding user response:

Make sure the following are true:

  1. The file is located at assets/images/Brochur.svg. With assets being in the root directory of your project.
  2. Inside your pubspec.yaml file you have the following

    - assets/images/Brochur.svg
  1. You've rebuilt your project since you added the svg to the pubspec.yaml file

CodePudding user response:

There can be a few reasons the issue may have been caused:

  1. Did you add the asset/package while your app was running? If so, you must:
  • Terminate the app.
  • Run flutter pub get
  • Run the app
  1. You may have miswritten the path either in Image.asset or in pubspec.yaml. Can you share the image path or folder structure pic?
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