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Attribute to display as a default after hiding the main one using CSS in Wordpress


In Wordpress plugin gallery "Everest Gallery" got some tabs which first display ALL pictures, and next according to the category assigned to a given photo. For example: ALL | GROUP 1 | GROUP 2. Choosen tab is later displayed as "active" one.

What I need to get is to hide the tab responsible for ALL. Code of two tabs below when first is choosen as active and the second is inactive (there are two different classes in css):

<li><a href="javascript:void(0);"  data-filter-key="all" data-layout-type="masonary">ALL</a></li>
<li><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-filter-key="h3MyESImhP"  data-layout-type="masonary">GROUP 1</a></li>

I figure out that I can hide ALL group using below code in custom css section:

[data-filter-key="all"] {display: none;} 

And it works! The problem is that on the first look, gallery still display all the pictures before I click on any other GROUP tab. How to make eg. GROUP 1 with data-filter-key="h3MyESImhP" display as a default?

I'm not programmer, so I hope that everything here is explained correctly and clearly for you. Thanks in advance!

CodePudding user response:

Thats not a css question, there should be default setting in the Plugin. CSS has nothing to do with load data. You can only hide/show like the way you figured out.

If there is no config in the Plugin for that you have to change the php file in the Plugin, but after every update it will be overwritten.

CodePudding user response:

Woogielicious, once again thanks for the help. Below you can find the code of everest-gallery.php

Have no idea what to add here. I guess that I have to use data-filter-key="h3MyESImhP" somehow.


defined('ABSPATH') or die('No script kiddies please!!');
  Plugin Name: Everest Gallery
  Plugin URI: http://accesspressthemes.com/wordpress-plugins/everest-gallery
  Description: All in one gallery plugin for WordPress. Photo, Audio, Video, Multimedia, Portfolio - for almost everything!
  Version:  1.0.7
  Author:   AccessPress Themes
  Author URI:  http://accesspressthemes.com
  License:  GPL2
  License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
  Domain Path: /languages
  Text Domain: everest-gallery

 * Plugin Main Class
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( !class_exists('Everest_gallery') ) {

    class Everest_gallery {

         * Plugin Main initialization
         * @since 1.0.0
        function __construct() {

         * Necessary Constants Define
         * @since 1.0.0
        function define_constants() {
            global $wpdb;
            defined('EG_PATH') or define('EG_PATH', plugin_dir_path(__FILE__));
            defined('EG_URL') or define('EG_URL', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__));
            defined('EG_IMG_DIR') or define('EG_IMG_DIR', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'images/');
            defined('EG_CSS_DIR') or define('EG_CSS_DIR', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'css/');
            defined('EG_JS_DIR') or define('EG_JS_DIR', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'js/');
            defined('EG_VERSION') or define('EG_VERSION', '1.0.7');
            defined('EG_GALLERY_TABLE') or define('EG_GALLERY_TABLE', $wpdb->prefix . 'eg_galleries');

         * Includes all the necessary files
         * @since 1.0.0
        function includes() {
            include(EG_PATH . 'includes/classes/class-eg-library.php');
            include(EG_PATH . 'includes/classes/class-eg-model.php');
            include(EG_PATH . 'includes/classes/class-eg-mobile-detect.php');
            include(EG_PATH . 'includes/classes/class-eg-activation.php');
            include(EG_PATH . 'includes/classes/class-eg-enqueue.php');
            include(EG_PATH . 'includes/classes/class-eg-admin.php');
            include(EG_PATH . 'includes/classes/class-eg-admin-ajax.php');
            include(EG_PATH . 'includes/classes/class-eg-ajax.php');
            include(EG_PATH . 'includes/classes/class-eg-shortcode.php');
            include(EG_PATH . 'includes/classes/class-eg-hooks.php');


    $GLOBALS[ 'everest_gallery' ] = new Everest_gallery();
    $GLOBALS[ 'eg_settings' ] = get_option('eg_settings');
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