I am trying to insert data to another table but is has some error.
Source Table:
Column_name Type Computed Length
Are_CompanyID char no 2
Are_AssetCode char no 20
Are_DeptCode varchar no 100
Table to be inserted:
Column_name Type Computed Length
Foi_CompanyID char no 2
Foi_AssetCode char no 20
Foi_DepartmentInCharge varchar no 100
CompanyID and AssetCode are Primary key.
My SQL query:
INSERT INTO E_AssetRegistry(Are_DeptCode)
SELECT Foi_DepartmentInCharge
FROM E_FixedAssetOtherInfo
INNER JOIN E_AssetRegistry ON Foi_AssetCode=Are_AssetCode AND Foi_CompanyID=Are_CompanyID
Error:Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Are_CompanyID', table 'NFC_THI.dbo.E_AssetRegistry'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.
CodePudding user response:
Okay I realize if you only want to Edit/insert data into one column you should use Update
instead of INSERT TO
UPDATE E_AssetRegistry
SET Are_DeptCode =
(SELECT Foi_DepartmentInCharge
FROM E_FixedAssetOtherInfo where Foi_AssetCode=Are_AssetCode AND Foi_CompanyID=Are_CompanyID)
CodePudding user response:
An alternative is to use the UPDATE ... SET ... FROM ...
SET Are_DeptCode = F.Foi_DepartmentInCharge
FROM E_AssetRegistry A
JOIN E_FixedAssetOtherInfo F
ON F.Foi_AssetCode = A.Are_AssetCode
AND F.Foi_CompanyID = A.Are_CompanyID
This has a similar effect as Its_Me's answer, but can be expanded to handle more complicated updates. Differences to be aware of:
- If there are no matches, this syntax will not update rows with no matches. The subselect syntax will assign nulls.
- If there are multiple matches, this syntax will assign one arbitrarily. The subselect form will throw an error during execution.