I have 2 tensors of an arbitrary shape with several dimensions.
- target_tensor
- predicted_tensor
I want to count the number of values in the predicted_tensor that are near to the values of the target tensor.
With a for loop it shall be something like this:
targets = torch.flatten(target_tensor)
predicted = torch.flatten(predicted_tensor)
correct_values = 0
tolerance = 0.1
for i, prediction in enumerate(predicted):
target = targets[i]
if (target - tolerance < prediction < target tolerance):
correct_values = 1
However, a for loop is not a really good idea for performances.
I'm looking for a vectorized solution. I tried :
torch.sum(target - tolerance < prediction < target tolerance)
But I got:
RuntimeError: Boolean value of Tensor with more than one value is ambiguous
In Julia it would be just adding a dot to precise that it is element wise.
Any idea on how to implement that with PyTorch with a short vectorized solution?
CodePudding user response:
I think you are looking for torch.isclose
correct_values = torch.isclose(prediction, target, atol=tolerance, rtol=0).sum()