First time I'm posting here myself instead of searching for existing answers. Wanted to try it out in case my demand for more specific questions increases.
So I want to write an XPath 3.0 query to extract all the names from each <Flow>, but if there is multiple <Flow> with the same ID, I only want to return the name of the one with the more recent date, <Published>.
My XML looks like this:
<Name>Name 1 version 1</Name>
<Name>Name 1 version 2</Name>
<Name>Name 2 version 1</Name>
<Name>Name 3 version 1</Name>
And I want the following output:
<Name>Name 1 version 2</Name>
<Name>Name 2 version 1</Name>
<Name>Name 3 version 1</Name>
CodePudding user response:
this would return all the names, where the date equals the max for a given ID
let $maxDate := function($flows as element(Flows),$id as xs:integer) as xs:date {
max($flows/Flow[ID = $id]/Published/xs:date(.))
return //Flow[Published/xs:date(.) eq $maxDate(/Flows,./ID/.)]/Name
note, that in case there are multiple Flow elements with the same ID, and the max date, it would return all of them