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Error Ajxa call in asp.net xhr.send( options.hasContent && options.data || null )


I tried to so hard to solve it but couldn't.

I got error

xhr.send( options.hasContent && options.data || null )

while saving data this error shows in Jquery.js.

Code is working perfectly in debug mode in vs 2022. I can save data in debug mode. But when I compile (Publish) this project. I hosted in IIS and every things working perfectly but not in this form When I try to post data then I got same error.

I tried to send header but not working..

var token = $('input:hidden[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); headers: { RequestVerificationToken: token },

        var detailsList = new Array();
        var detailsObj = new Object();

        $("#tblDropItem tbody tr").each(function () {
            let row = $(this);
            let itemId = Number(row.find('.item_detl').attr('purItem_id'));
            detailsObj = {
                ItemId: itemId,
                ItemName: row.find(".item_detl").val(),
                Quantity: parseFloat(row.find(".quantity_detl").val()),
                UnitId: Number(row.find('.unit_detl').attr('unit_id')),
                Rate: parseFloat(row.find(".rate_detl").val()),
                Amount: parseFloat(row.find(".amount_detl").val()),
            if (detailsObj.ItemName) {

     var postData = {
            PurMode: $("#PurMode").val(),
            PurDate: $("#PurDate").val(),
            SupId: $("#SupId option:selected").val(),
            SubAmount: parseFloat($("#SubAmount").val()),
            Discount: parseFloat($("#DiscountPercent").val()),
            DiscountAmount: parseFloat($("#Discount").val()),
            TotalAmount: parseFloat($("#TotalAmount").val()),
            Remarks: $("#Remarks").val(),
            Taxable: parseFloat($("#Taxable").val()),
            VatAmount: parseFloat($("#VatAmount").val()),
            VATable: parseFloat($("#VATable option:selected").val())
            PurchaseDetailItemList: detailsList,
            __RequestVerificationToken: $("input[name=__RequestVerificationToken]").val(),
            type: "POST",
            url: "/Purchase/SavePurchase",
            dataType: 'JSON',
            data: postData,
            success: function (result) {
                toastr.success('Data Saved Successfully');
                window.location = "@Url.Content("~/Purchase/Index")";
            error: function (result) {
                toastr.error("Cann't Save Data.");

    public JsonResult SavePurchase(PurchaseDTO model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
               return Json("error");

Can you please suggest any mistake..

CodePudding user response:

Everything is correct, maybe you have hosted incorrectly in iis, make sure your post url is valid in console.

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