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React TS variable is undefined


New to ReactTS here. Can somebody explain to me why the variable content is undefined and how to set it so I can pass its value to <App />?

It is showing undefined in both the index.tsx file and the subsequent App.tsx file.


import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11';
import 'react-app-polyfill/stable';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';

// Declare type for drupalSettings.
declare global {
    interface Window {
        drupalSettings: {
            mydashboard: Settings;

// Declare types for the React component.
interface Elements {
    content: string[];

interface Settings {
    [index: string]: Elements;

// Get Drupal settings.
console.log('window.drupalSettings', window.drupalSettings.mydashboard) <!--- shows correct value --->

const drupalAndReactApp: Settings = window.drupalSettings.mydashboard || '';
console.log('drupalAndReactApp', drupalAndReactApp, drupalAndReactApp['test']);<!--- shows correct value --->

const { content } = drupalAndReactApp['test'];
console.log('content', content) <!--- shows undefined --->

ReactDOM.render(<App content={content} />, document.getElementById('my-app-target'));


    let accessToken = "";
    let embedUrl = "";
    let reportContainer: HTMLElement;
    let reportRef: React.Ref<HTMLDivElement>;
    let loading: JSX.Element;

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
    interface AppProps { content: string[] };
    interface AppState { accessToken: string; embedUrl: string; error: string[]};

    class App extends React.Component<AppProps, AppState> {
        constructor(props: AppProps) {
            const { content } = props;
            this.state = { accessToken: "", embedUrl: "", error: [] };

            reportRef = React.createRef();
            console.log('props', props, content)  <!--- shows undefined --->
            // Report container
            loading = (<>
                <div id="welcome">
                    ref={reportRef} >
                    Loading the report...


Output of the console logs...

window.drupalSettings Object { test: "[\"authenticated\",\"administrator\"]" }

drupalAndReactApp Object { test: "[\"authenticated\",\"administrator\"]" } ["authenticated","administrator"]

content undefined

props Object { content: undefined } undefined

Edit 2

window.drupalSettings Object { content: "[\"authenticated\",\"administrator\"]" }

drupalAndReactApp Object { content: "[\"authenticated\",\"administrator\"]" } ["authenticated","administrator"]

content undefined

props Object { content: undefined } undefined

CodePudding user response:

Based on your data, your TypeScript definitions should look like this:

interface Settings {
    [index: string]: string;

And later parse the JSON:

const content: string[] = JSON.parse(drupalAndReactApp.content);
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