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TempData is always 0


Background regarding the web application I am writing. I have a razor page that creates a Product (the information is inserted into the database and the database is creating the product Id). Afterward, in the post request, I want to redirect to another page razor that shows all the information about that product.

I was trying to pass the product Id by using the TempData, but for some reason, it's always 0. I want to point out that I am fairly new to MVC and ASP.NET core. I understand I might need to create a controller to pass the data, but I am not sure. Below is my code:


using Accounts.Data;
using Accounts.Domain;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;

namespace Template_Site.Pages
    public class CreateProductModel : PageModel
        private readonly IProductRepository _products;
        public int productId { get; set; }
        public Product Product { get; set; }
        public CreateProductModel(IProductRepository product)
        public IActionResult OnGet()
            return Page();
    public IActionResult OnPost()
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

               productId = _products.RecentProduct().Id;
                return RedirectToPage("/ProductReDirect", productId);

            return Page();



@model Template_Site.Pages.CreateProductModel
<div >
    <h1>Product Creation</h1>
<div >
    <form method ="post">
     <div ></div>
     <div class= "column middle">
         <div >
         <label [email protected]></label>
         <input [email protected] />
         <span  [email protected]></span>
         <div >
         <label  [email protected]></label>
         <input  [email protected] />
         <span  [email protected]></span>
         <div  >
         <label [email protected]></label>
         <input [email protected] />
         <span  [email protected]></span>
         <button type="submit" class= "button button3" asp-page="/ProductReDirect" [email protected]>Create</button>
    <div ></div>


using Accounts.Data;
using Accounts.Domain;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;

namespace Template_Site.Pages
    public class ProductReDirectModel : PageModel
        private readonly IProductRepository _product;

        public Product Product { get; set; }
        [BindProperty(SupportsGet = true)]
        public int productId { get; set; }
        public ProductReDirectModel(IProductRepository product)
            _product = product;
        public void OnGet()
            productId = (int)TempData["productId"];
            Product = new Product();
            Product = _product.GetById(productId);


@model Template_Site.Pages.ProductReDirectModel
<h2>You created a new product!</h2>

<h2> id: @Model.productId</h2>

CodePudding user response:

Firstly,you need to remove asp-page and asp-route-productId in button,or you wll not go to OnPost handler in CreateProduct.cshtml.cs:


@model Template_Site.Pages.CreateProductModel
<div >
    <h1>Product Creation</h1>
<div >
    <form method ="post">
     <div ></div>
     <div class= "column middle">
         <div >
         <label [email protected]></label>
         <input [email protected] />
         <span  [email protected]></span>
         <div >
         <label  [email protected]></label>
         <input  [email protected] />
         <span  [email protected]></span>
         <div  >
         <label [email protected]></label>
         <input [email protected] />
         <span  [email protected]></span>
         <button type="submit" class= "button button3" >Create</button>
    <div ></div>

Then you need to pass productId in OnPost handler like this:

 public IActionResult OnPost()
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

               productId = _products.RecentProduct().Id;
                return RedirectToPage("/ProductReDirect",new { productId = productId });

            return Page();


And remove productId = (int)TempData["productId"]; in your ProductReDirect.cshtml.cs:

public void OnGet()
            Product = new Product();
            Product = _product.GetById(productId);
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