Home > Blockchain >  How to keep only the recent date in sql and delete the rest from the table based on conditions?
How to keep only the recent date in sql and delete the rest from the table based on conditions?


I have a SQL table and my data looks like this:


XXX    |    011     |      1         |   29-SEP-16   |    168
YYY    |    111     |      1         |   02-JUN-17   |    168
ZZZ    |    011     |      3         |   27-OCT-14   |    178
ZZZ    |    011     |      3         |   28-JUN-17   |    168
ZZZ    |    011     |      3         |   28-JUN-17   |     04

Condition for expected output:

For each pan if the count_of_trend is greater than 1 then i should keep the record which has the recent purchase date and remove the rest. If the recent purchase date is also the same anyone among the 2 can be selected.

Expected Output :


XXX    |    011     |      1         |   29-SEP-16   |    168
YYY    |    111     |      1         |   02-JUN-17   |    168
ZZZ    |    011     |      3         |   28-JUN-17   |    168 

I tried doing something like this:

select pan_no, nifty_trend, count_of_trend, max(purchase_date) over (partition by pan_no)
from table group by pan_no having count_of_trend >1 

but the above code doesnt work.

I am performing all of this in sql developer.

CodePudding user response:

To me, it looks like this:

Sample data:

SQL> with test (pan_no, nifty_trent, count_of_trend, purchase_date, new_sch_code) as
  2    (select 'xxx', '011', 1, date '2016-09-29', 168 from dual union all
  3     select 'yyy', '111', 1, date '2017-06-02', 168 from dual union all
  4     select 'zzz', '011', 3, date '2014-10-27', 178 from dual union all
  5     select 'zzz', '011', 3, date '2017-06-28', 168 from dual union all
  6     select 'zzz', '011', 3, date '2017-06-28',   4 from dual
  7    ),

Query begins here; temp CTE "sorts" rows for each pan_no by purchase_date in descending order; the final select then returns either rows whose rn = 1 (i.e. they rank as the "highest"), or count_of_trend = 1 (because sorting has to be applied only to rows whose count_of_trend is larger than 1).

  8  temp as
  9    (select t.*,
 10       row_number() over (partition by pan_no order by purchase_date desc) rn
 11     from test t
 12    )
 13  select pan_no, nifty_trent, count_of_trend, purchase_date, new_sch_code
 14  from temp
 15  where rn = 1
 16     or count_of_trend = 1;

--- --- -------------- ---------- ------------
xxx 011              1 29.09.2016          168
yyy 111              1 02.06.2017          168
zzz 011              3 28.06.2017            4

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