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How to replace Matlab blockproc in Python


I have part of metlab function, that multiply two matrices by 8,8 block. Table1 is 8x8 shape, table2 is 320x240 shape. I want to transmofr below code to python.

fun = @(x)x.data .*table1;
I_spatial = blockproc(table2,[8 8],fun);

I want to use method to multiply matricies like np.dot, but sizes of input arrays is not the same in row-column connection, so I cannot do it easily. Can somebody could help me, how can I port that fragment to Python? Also I have second part of this function

I_spatial = blockproc(I_spatial,[8 8],fun) 128;

How can I write that part in Python?

CodePudding user response:

there aren't any premade versions I am aware of, but this implementation will be quite fast, as data copying is minimal, granted that it'll always pad the output to be of the proper size.

def blockproc(A,m,n,fun):

    results_rows = []
    for y in range(0,A.shape[0],m):
        results_cols = []
        for x in range(0,A.shape[1],n):
            results_cols.append(fun(A[y:y m,x:x n]))

    patch_rows = results_rows[0][0].shape[0]
    patch_cols = results_rows[0][0].shape[1]
    final_array_cols = results_rows[0][0].shape[1] * len(results_rows[0])
    final_array_rows = results_rows[0][0].shape[0] * len(results_rows)

    final_array = np.zeros([final_array_rows,final_array_cols],dtype=results_rows[0][0].dtype)
    for y in range(len(results_rows)):
        for x in range(len(results_rows[y])):
            data = results_rows[y][x]
            final_array[y*patch_rows:y*patch_rows data.shape[0],x*patch_cols:x*patch_cols data.shape[1]] = data

    return final_array

testing it:

a = np.ones([320,240])
b = np.zeros([8,8])

def func_mul(x):
    return x@b

result = blockproc(a,8,8,func_mul)

import time
t1 = time.time()
for i in range(1000):
    blockproc(a, 8, 8, func_mul)
t2 = time.time()

dims:(320, 240)


CodePudding user response:

Like @Ahmed AEK mentioned, there is no built-in solution for this. I have come up with a solution that leverages numpy's extremely optimized vsplit and hsplit functions and even allows you to perform the function inplace:

    import scipy
import numpy as np
from typing import *
from scipy.fftpack import idct

npd = NewType('npd', np.ndarray)
id = lambda x: x # default function is nothing
def blockproc(A: npd, blockdims: Tuple[int, int], func: Callable[npd, Any]=id, inplace: bool = False)-> npd:
        blocks: List[npd] = []
        if A.shape[0]%blockdims[0] != 0 or A.shape[1]%blockdims[1] != 0:
                print(f"Invalid block dimensions - {A.shape} must be divided evenly by {tuple(blockdims)}")
        vr, hr = A.shape[0]//blockdims[0], A.shape[1]//blockdims[1]

        B = A if inplace else A.copy()
        verts: List[npd] = np.vsplit(B,vr)
                for i in range(len(verts)):
                        for j,v in enumerate(np.hsplit(verts[i], hr)):
                                B[i*blockdims[0]:(i 1)*blockdims[0], j*blockdims[1]: (j 1)*blockdims[1]] = func(h)
        except Exception as e: print("Invalid block function"); exit(e)
        return B

if __name__ == "__main__":
        # Assume table1 and table2 are defined above ...
        # First code sample
        fun = lambda x: x@table1
        I_spatial = blockproc(table2 ,[8,8], fun)

        # Second code sample
        fun = lambda x: idct(x)
        I_spatial = blockproc(I_spatial,[8 8],fun)   128

Look at the two code samples you provided - nearly identical! If you're curious, click here for more info about idct


Per @Ahmed AEK's comments (see below), it appears enumerate is slowing down the code significantly. I've now removed the outer enumerate in an effort to decrease runtime.

CodePudding user response:

Using Ahmed's function and example:

In [284]: a = np.ones([320, 240])
     ...: b = np.zeros([8, 8])
     ...: def func_mul(x):
     ...:     return x @ b
In [285]: result = blockproc(a, 8, 8, func_mul)
In [286]: result.shape
Out[286]: (320, 240)

In a comment I suggested reshaping/transposing the a to a (n,m,8,8) array:

In [287]: a1 = a.reshape(40, 8, 30, 8).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
In [288]: a1.shape
Out[288]: (40, 30, 8, 8)
In [289]: res = a1 @ b           # matmul does 'batch' on lead dimensions
In [290]: res.shape
Out[290]: (40, 30, 8, 8)
In [291]: res1 = res.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(a.shape)

Compare times:

In [292]: timeit result = blockproc(a, 8, 8, func_mul)
10.2 ms ± 171 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

In [293]: def foo(a, b):
     ...:     a1 = a.reshape(40, 8, 30, 8).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
     ...:     res = a1 @ b
     ...:     res1 = res.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(a.shape)
     ...:     return res1

In [294]: timeit foo(a,b)
918 µs ± 2.19 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)

Changing the arrays so the result values are significant (not all 0) to verify the equality of these methods:

In [295]: a = np.arange(320 * 240).reshape(320, 240)
In [296]: b = np.arange(64).reshape(8, 8)
In [297]: result = blockproc(a, 8, 8, func_mul)
In [298]: res1 = foo(a, b)
In [299]: np.allclose(result, res1)
Out[299]: True

My approach is much faster because it does not iterate on the lead (40,30) dimensions. But it depends on the func being something like matmul that can work with this mix of dimension. In other words, a function that makes full use of numpy broadcasting.


And @Victor's version:

In [308]: def victor(A, blockdims, func):
     ...:     vr, hr = A.shape[0] // blockdims[0], A.shape[1] // blockdims[1]
     ...:     B = A.copy()
     ...:     verts = np.vsplit(B, vr)
     ...:     for i in range(len(verts)):
     ...:         for j, v in enumerate(np.hsplit(verts[i], hr)):
     ...:             B[
     ...:                 i * blockdims[0] : (i   1) * blockdims[0],
     ...:                 j * blockdims[1] : (j   1) * blockdims[1],
     ...:             ] = func(v)
     ...:     return B
In [309]: res2 = victor(a, (8, 8), func_mul)
In [310]: res2.shape
Out[310]: (320, 240)
In [311]: np.allclose(result, res2)
Out[311]: True
In [312]: timeit res2 = victor(a, (8, 8), func_mul)
13.7 ms ± 5.51 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
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