I have a script that read from excel collect files according to a column, Before the running I need to define 4 variables, the issue is that I need to run it for several versions. That means that for each run I need to leave active 4 variables and the rest should be in comment (#) and I do it manually (need to add 12 times # There is a smart way to choose all the 4 variables per version?
I will give an example:
Each time only one set is enabled (According to version I want to work on)
The using of those parameters are:
Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName "Client-Server" -Title "[Side VIP] [$VersionNumber]"
$Versionlocationforpatches = "$Sourceversion\Installer\Patches"
$Versionlocationforcabs = "$Sourceversion\Installer"
Add-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName "Client-Server" -BuildDefinitionId $PipelineID
function RenameVerFile ([string] $buildver)
$DefaultFile = Get-ChildItem $Sourceversion | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "BuildVer.txt"}
Clear-Content $DefaultFile.FullName -Force
$Newcontent = Add-Content $DefaultFile.FullName -Value ($buildver "." (Get-Random))
Some of them are using in other places
CodePudding user response:
You could store and choose it that way with a hashtable:
$myVars = @{}
$myVars.Version2000 = @{"Path"="c:\";"Title"="MySensitiveData"}
it could then look like
PS C:\> $myVars = @{}
PS C:\> $myVars.Version2000 = @{
>> "Path"="c:\Prog2000"
>> "Title"="MySensitiveData"
>> "Var3"="Value3"
>> "Var4"="value4"
>> }
PS C:\> $myVars.Version2013 = @{
>> "Path"="c:\Prog2013"
>> "Title"="MySensitiveData"
>> "Var3"="Value3"
>> "Var4"="value4"
>> }
PS C:\> $myVars.Version2000
Name Value
---- -----
Var4 value4
Path c:\
Var3 Value3
Title MySensitiveData
PS C:\> $myVars.Version2000.Path
EDIT: Added a new answer as more information came in OP
CodePudding user response:
Regarding your new OP data i assume you mean you have a configuration file wich define the variables. Then this answer would help.
$FilePath = ".\VersionDataFile.txt"
$FileData = gc $FilePath
$NewFileData = @()
$AllVersions = @()
foreach ($line in ($FileData | where {$_ -match "VersionNumber"})) {
$AllVersions = [string]($line -split "`"")[1]
"The following Versions were found"
$VersionToUse = Read-Host "Enter version number"
foreach ($line in $Filedata) {
Switch ($true) {
($line -match '^#?\$VersionNumber') {if ($line -match "`"$VersionToUse`"") {$uncomment = $true} else {$uncomment = $false}}
($line -notmatch '^#?\$') {$NewFileData = $line;break}
($uncomment -eq $true) {$NewFileData = $line.TrimStart('#'); break}
($uncomment -eq $false) {$NewFileData = "#" $line.TrimStart('#')}
$NewFileData | Out-File -Encoding default $FilePath
Write-Output "`r`n`r`n`t The Following Data should have been written to $FilePath`r`n`r`n"
Write-Output $NewFileData