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How to generalize the JSON in stored procedure?


In my database, I have table called library which have columns like dependencies, email, alert, skipped and values are stored as

declare @library table (dependencies varchar(max),email varchar(max),alert varchar(25),skipped varchar(25) )

insert into @library values('{"jar":"azure.com","maven":"azure.com","maven":"azure.com"}','[email protected],[email protected]',true,false)

I want to prepare JSON of these values which will look like as

      "jar" : { "coordinates":"azure.com"}
      "maven" : {"coordinates":"azure.com" }
      "maven" : {"coordinates":"azure.com" }
   "email": [
     "[email protected]",
     "[email protected]"
   "alert" : true,
   "skipped": false

I have written have code as

select  (select  dependencies as [maven.coordinates] for json path) as libraries,
        (select email from library for json auto) as [email_test.email],
        alert as [email_test.alert],
        skipped as [email_test.skipped]
from library for json path, WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER

And my JSON doesn't look like desired JSON

            "email":"[email protected] , [email protected]"

I am not able to achieve correct json . Can someboby please help me out here ?

Thank you

CodePudding user response:

There are a number of problems with your existing query:

  • dependencies contains the whole coordinates data, you can't just select the whole thing. Instead you need break it out and rebuild it. You can use OPENJSON as I have, or JSON_VALUE
  • email is not valid JSON, it is a comma-separated list. Unfortunately, SQL Server does not have JSON_AGG which would have made this simpler. So break it open using STRING_SPLIT and rebuild using a combination of STRING_ESCAPE (to escape any problematic characters) and STRING_AGG (to aggregate it again) and JSON_QUERY (to prevent double-escaping).
  • true and false appear to be varchar, you need a bit value instead
        j.jar as [jar.coordinates],
        j.maven as [maven.coordinates]
      FROM OPENJSON(l.dependencies)
        WITH (
          jar varchar(100),
          maven varchar(100)
        ) j
  ) as libraries,
      SELECT '['   STRING_AGG('"'   STRING_ESCAPE(value, 'json')   '"', ',')   ']'
      FROM STRING_SPLIT(l.email, ',') 
  )) as [email_test.email],
  CASE WHEN l.alert = 'true' THEN CAST(1 AS bit) ELSE CAST(0 AS bit) END as [email_test.alert],
  CASE WHEN l.skipped = 'true' THEN CAST(1 AS bit) ELSE CAST(0 AS bit) END  as [email_test.skipped]
FROM @library l


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