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Generate billing balance depending on the number of payments made


Below is the table I have created and inserted values in it:

CREATE TABLE Invoices     
    InvID int,     
    InvAmount int
VALUES (1, 543), (2, 749)

CREATE TABLE payments    
    PayID int IDENTITY (1, 1),     
    InvID int,     
    PayAmount int,    
    PayDate date

INSERT INTO payments
VALUES (1, 20, '2016-01-01'),
       (1, 35, '2016-01-07'),
       (1, 78, '2016-01-13'),
       (1, 52, '2016-01-25'),    
       (2, 40, '2016-01-03'),
       (2, 54, '2016-01-15'),  
       (2, 63, '2016-01-17'),
       (2, 59, '2016-01-28') 

SELECT * FROM Invoices 
SELECT * FROM payments

enter image description here

As shown in the screenshot above, the Invoice table specifies various customer billings (the first billing totals 543, the second billing totals 749).

enter image description here

As shown in the screenshot above, the payments table specifies the various payments the customer made for each of the billings. For example, one can see that on January 1st the customer paid 20 USD out of billing no. 1 (which totals 543 USD), and on January 3rd the customer paid 40 USD out of billing no. 2, (which totals 749 USD).

Now the question is:

Write a query that displays the billing balance, based on the number of payments made so far.

The query result should exactly look like the screenshot below:

enter image description here

This is what I have tried:

    InvAmount - SUM(PayAmount) OVER (PARTITION BY payments.InvID ORDER BY PayID
                                     ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 0 FOLLOWING) AS 'InvAmount',
    PayDate, PayAmount,
    InvAmount - SUM(PayAmount) OVER (PARTITION BY payments.InvID ORDER BY PayID) AS 'Balance'
    payments ON payments.InvID = Invoices.InvID

After running the query, I got the following result which is shown below:

enter image description here

As you can see from the screenshot above, I nearly got the result I wanted.

The only problem is that InvAmount is exactly returning the same row values as Balance. I am not able to retain the starting row values of InvAmount which are 543 (InvID = 1) and 749 (InvID = 2) respectively.

How can this issue be solved?

CodePudding user response:

You can add back the PayAmount in the calculation

- SUM(PayAmount) OVER (PARTITION BY payments.InvID 
                           ORDER BY PayID
                                 ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING 
                                          AND 0 FOLLOWING) AS InvAmount

Or use BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING. But you need to handle NULL value for the very first row

- ISNULL(SUM(PayAmount) OVER (PARTITION BY payments.InvID 
                           ORDER BY PayID
                                 ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING 
                                          AND 1 PRECEDING), 0) AS InvAmount

db>fiddle demo

CodePudding user response:

You can use PARTITION BY clause for invoice identifier and then deduct the pay amount from the invoice amount as given below

;WITH CTE_Balance as
    SELECT i.InvID, i.InvAmount, p.PayAmount, p.PayDate
         , InvAmount - sum(payamount) over (partition by p.invid order by paydate rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as balance 
         , ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by p.invid order by p.paydate) as rnk
    FROM payments as p
    inner join Invoices as i
    on i.InvID = p.InvID
    SELECT invid, case when rnk =1 then invamount else lag(balance) over(partition by invid order by paydate) end as invamount 
           ,payAmount, paydate, balance
    FROM CTE_Balance
invid invamount payAmount paydate balance
1 543 20 2016-01-01 523
1 523 35 2016-01-07 488
1 488 78 2016-01-13 410
1 410 52 2016-01-25 358
2 749 40 2016-01-03 709
2 709 54 2016-01-15 655
2 655 63 2016-01-17 592
2 592 59 2016-01-28 533
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