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How do you open 2 windowgroups from SwiftUI button on macOS?


I have an app where I have a need where a button will open two windows. In the App struct I have the two window groups setup

struct myApp: App {

  var body : some Scene {

      WindowGroup() {

      WindowGroup("FirstViewGroup") {

      .handlesExternalEvents(matching: Set(arrayLiteral: "FirstViewGroup"))

      WindowGroup("SecondViewGroup") {
      .handlesExternalEvents(matching: Set(arrayLiteral: "SecondViewGroup"))

In the WelcomeView I have the following button action:

Button {
   if let firstURL = URL(string: "myApp://FirstViewGroup"), let secondURL = URL(string: "myApp://SecondViewGroup") {
} label: {
  Text("Open Windows")

When I comment out one of the NSWorkspace.shared.open lines in the button action, the appropriate window opens. But when I have two sequential NSWorkspace.shared.open calls, I only get the first. Ideas? I have the URL Types in info.plist set correctly (since each window opens successfully when each is called individually)

CodePudding user response:

Try to open second URL in next event loop, like

Button {
   if let firstURL = URL(string: "myApp://FirstViewGroup"), let secondURL = URL(string: "myApp://SecondViewGroup") {
      DispatchQueue.main.async {
         NSWorkspace.shared.open(secondURL)   // << here !!
} label: {
  Text("Open Windows")
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