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Creating a function that generates freq.table


Consider this code:

iris %>% count(Species) %>% group_by(Species)

# A tibble: 3 x 2
# Groups:   Species [3]
  Species        n
  <fct>      <int>
1 setosa        50
2 versicolor    50
3 virginica     50

I want to define a function which does the same task, something like this :

table_freq <- function(Table, Var) {

          freq <- NA
          freq <- Table %>%
                    dplyr::count(Var) %>%
table_freq(iris, "Species")

But it does not work :

> table_freq(iris, "Species")
Error in `group_by_prepare()`:
! Must group by variables found in `.data`.
* Column `Var` is not found.

Any ideas?

Please do not write alternate solutions, I need to define a function that takes the table and the column name for which we need the freq. table.

CodePudding user response:

You can use table to create a function that will take the table and the column name.

table_freq <- function(Table, Var) {
  setNames(data.frame(table(Table[,Var])), c(Var, "n"))

table_freq(iris, "Species")


     Species  n
1     setosa 50
2 versicolor 50
3  virginica 50

CodePudding user response:

The secret sauce is {{}}, we simply write :

table_freq <- function(Table, Var) {

          freq <- NA
          freq <- Table %>%
                    dplyr::count({{Var}}) %>%

table_freq(iris, Species)
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