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structuring JSON data in R


I'm new to JSON data and am having a bit of trouble trying to get my data into a combined data frame common to data frames in R. Here is an example of the JSON data:

  "id": "rub_al_khali",
  "conversion_px": 0.0395882818685669,
  "n_surfaces": 4,
  "lithic_contours": [
      "surface_id": 0,
      "classification": "Ventral",
      "total_area_px": 530565.5,
      "total_area": 831.5,
      "max_breadth": 22.4,
      "max_length": 54,
      "polygon_count": 7,
      "scar_count": 0,
      "percentage_detected_scars": 0,
      "scar_contours": []
      "surface_id": 1,
      "classification": "Dorsal",
      "total_area_px": 530503.5,
      "total_area": 831.4,
      "max_breadth": 22.4,
      "max_length": 54,
      "polygon_count": 7,
      "scar_count": 4,
      "percentage_detected_scars": 0.62,
      "scar_contours": [
          "scar_id": 0,
          "total_area_px": 129337,
          "total_area": 202.7,
          "max_breadth": 10.3,
          "max_length": 41.7,
          "percentage_of_surface": 0.24,
          "scar_angle": 1.85,
          "polygon_count": 5
          "scar_id": 1,
          "total_area_px": 100130,
          "total_area": 156.9,
          "max_breadth": 7.2,
          "max_length": 43,
          "percentage_of_surface": 0.19,
          "scar_angle": 357.36,
          "polygon_count": 4
          "scar_id": 2,
          "total_area_px": 93162,
          "total_area": 146,
          "max_breadth": 6.5,
          "max_length": 41.4,
          "percentage_of_surface": 0.18,
          "scar_angle": 5.01,
          "polygon_count": 4
          "scar_id": 3,
          "total_area_px": 6148.5,
          "total_area": 9.6,
          "max_breadth": 4,
          "max_length": 7.1,
          "percentage_of_surface": 0.01,
          "scar_angle": "NaN",
          "polygon_count": 9
      "surface_id": 2,
      "classification": "Lateral",
      "total_area_px": 176204,
      "total_area": 276.2,
      "max_breadth": 8.6,
      "max_length": 54.2,
      "polygon_count": 3,
      "scar_count": 2,
      "percentage_detected_scars": 0.33,
      "scar_contours": [
          "scar_id": 0,
          "total_area_px": 44605,
          "total_area": 69.9,
          "max_breadth": 5,
          "max_length": 50,
          "percentage_of_surface": 0.25,
          "scar_angle": "NaN",
          "polygon_count": 3
          "scar_id": 1,
          "total_area_px": 12877,
          "total_area": 20.2,
          "max_breadth": 1.5,
          "max_length": 22.3,
          "percentage_of_surface": 0.07,
          "scar_angle": "NaN",
          "polygon_count": 2
      "surface_id": 3,
      "classification": "Platform",
      "total_area_px": 55252.5,
      "total_area": 86.6,
      "max_breadth": 20.3,
      "max_length": 6.6,
      "polygon_count": 5,
      "scar_count": 1,
      "percentage_detected_scars": 0.42,
      "scar_contours": [
          "scar_id": 0,
          "total_area_px": 23298.5,
          "total_area": 36.5,
          "max_breadth": 15,
          "max_length": 4.1,
          "percentage_of_surface": 0.42,
          "scar_angle": "NaN",
          "polygon_count": 4

So far I've used jsonlite to import to R using flatten = TRUE

dta <- fromJSON("~/rub_al_khali.json", flatten = TRUE)

and while this gets me half way there it's not really a combined/comprehensive data.frame. I think that it might be the dta$lithic_contours that is creating the issue. Any help is much appreciated

CodePudding user response:

jsonlite::fromJSON() returns a list, but the element lithic_contours contains a data.frame. Just subset the list to get your data.frame:

# Subset the list on lithic_contours with $ ...
df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(<file>, flatten = TRUE)$lithic_contours

# ... and it's already a data.frame
#> [1] "data.frame"

# Turning into a tibble for better printing
#> # A tibble: 4 × 10
#>   surface_id classification total_area_px total_area max_breadth max_length
#>        <int> <chr>                  <dbl>      <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1          0 Ventral              530566.      832.         22.4       54  
#> 2          1 Dorsal               530504.      831.         22.4       54  
#> 3          2 Lateral              176204       276.          8.6       54.2
#> 4          3 Platform              55252.       86.6        20.3        6.6
#> # … with 4 more variables: polygon_count <int>, scar_count <int>,
#> #   percentage_detected_scars <dbl>, scar_contours <list>

Created on 2022-04-04 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Update: unnesting list column

The scar_contours column of your dataframe is a list column. This is actually often a quite convenient format for analysis, but if you want to remove it you can use the function tidyr::unnest():


df %>% unnest(scar_contours, names_repair = "minimal")
#> # A tibble: 7 × 17
#>   surface_id classification total_area_px total_area max_breadth max_length
#>        <int> <chr>                  <dbl>      <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1          1 Dorsal               530504.      831.         22.4       54  
#> 2          1 Dorsal               530504.      831.         22.4       54  
#> 3          1 Dorsal               530504.      831.         22.4       54  
#> 4          1 Dorsal               530504.      831.         22.4       54  
#> 5          2 Lateral              176204       276.          8.6       54.2
#> 6          2 Lateral              176204       276.          8.6       54.2
#> 7          3 Platform              55252.       86.6        20.3        6.6
#> # … with 11 more variables: polygon_count <int>, scar_count <int>,
#> #   percentage_detected_scars <dbl>, scar_id <int>, total_area_px <dbl>,
#> #   total_area <dbl>, max_breadth <dbl>, max_length <dbl>,
#> #   percentage_of_surface <dbl>, scar_angle <dbl>, polygon_count <int>
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