I have 3 array different array which is cricketMatchArray, soccerMatchArray and tennisMatchArray.I'm display these 3 array data in 3 tableview which is expanding after clicking on header.Now I'm facing an issue table height is not change according to array data.
This output is I'm getting and I want remove that red mark space
for e.g: if cricket and tennis array having a data and soccer array is empty then soccer table height not changing
I want to change tables height dynamically asper array count.
for e.g if cricket and tennis array having a data and soccer array is empty then soccer table height should be 0
Here is my code..
class AllLiveMatchesViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var cricketTableView: UITableView!
@IBOutlet weak var soccerTableView: UITableView!
@IBOutlet weak var tennisTableView: UITableView!
var selectedIndx = -1
var thereIsCellTapped = false
var cricketMatchArray = [LiveMatchesData]()
var soccerMatchArray = [LiveMatchesData]()
var tennisMatchArray = [LiveMatchesData]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
cricketTableView.dataSource = self
cricketTableView.delegate = self
cricketTableView.separatorStyle = .none
cricketTableView.tableFooterView = UIView()
soccerTableView.dataSource = self
soccerTableView.delegate = self
soccerTableView.separatorStyle = .none
soccerTableView.tableFooterView = UIView()
tennisTableView.dataSource = self
tennisTableView.delegate = self
tennisTableView.separatorStyle = .none
tennisTableView.tableFooterView = UIView()
extension AllLiveMatchesViewController: UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource{
func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
if tableView == cricketTableView
return cricketMatchArray.count
else if tableView == soccerTableView
return soccerMatchArray.count
else if tableView == tennisTableView
return tennisMatchArray.count
return 0
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
if tableView == cricketTableView
return cricketMatchArray[section].score.count
else if tableView == soccerTableView
return soccerMatchArray[section].score.count
else if tableView == tennisTableView
return tennisMatchArray[section].score.count
return 0
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
if tableView == cricketTableView
let obj = cricketMatchArray[section]
if cricketMatchArray.count == 0
return 0
if obj.inplay == true && obj.status == "OPEN"
return 50
else if obj.inplay == false && obj.status == "OPEN"
return 0
return 0
else if tableView == soccerTableView
let obj = soccerMatchArray[section]
if obj.inplay == true && obj.status == "OPEN"
return 50
else if obj.inplay == false && obj.status == "OPEN"
return 0
return 0
else if tableView == tennisTableView
let obj = tennisMatchArray[section]
if obj.inplay == true && obj.status == "OPEN"
return 50
else if obj.inplay == false && obj.status == "OPEN"
return 0
return 0
return 0
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
if tableView == cricketTableView
if indexPath.section == selectedIndx && thereIsCellTapped{
return 106
return 0
else if tableView == soccerTableView
if indexPath.section == selectedIndx && thereIsCellTapped{
return 106
return 0
else if tableView == tennisTableView
if indexPath.section == selectedIndx && thereIsCellTapped{
return 106
return 0
return 0
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForFooterInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
if tableView == cricketTableView
if (self.selectedIndx != section) && thereIsCellTapped{
return 0
else if (self.selectedIndx == section) && thereIsCellTapped{
return 20
return 0
else if tableView == soccerTableView
if (self.selectedIndx != section) && thereIsCellTapped{
return 0
else if (self.selectedIndx == section) && thereIsCellTapped{
return 20
return 0
else if tableView == tennisTableView
if (self.selectedIndx != section) && thereIsCellTapped{
return 0
else if (self.selectedIndx == section) && thereIsCellTapped{
return 20
return 0
return 0
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForFooterInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: String(describing: ExpandExtTableViewCell.self)) as! ExpandExtTableViewCell
if section == selectedIndx && thereIsCellTapped{
cell.footerView.roundCorners(corners: [.bottomLeft,.bottomRight], radius: 10)
cell.footerView.roundCorners(corners: [.bottomLeft,.bottomRight], radius: 0)
return cell
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
if tableView == cricketTableView
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: String(describing: ExpandTableViewCell.self)) as! ExpandTableViewCell
let obj = cricketMatchArray[section]
if obj.inplay == false && obj.status == "CLOSE"
cell.liveView.isHidden = true
else if obj.inplay == true && obj.status == "OPEN"
cell.liveView.isHidden = false
cell.sportIcon.image = UIImage(named: "whiteball")
cell.teamNameLabel.text = obj.name ?? ""
cell.btnSelection.tag = section
cell.btnSelection.addTarget(self, action: #selector(AllLiveMatchesViewController.btnSectionClick(sender:)), for: .touchUpInside)
if section == selectedIndx && thereIsCellTapped{
cell.headerView.roundCorners(corners: [.topLeft,.topRight], radius: 10)
cell.headerView.roundCorners(corners: [.topLeft,.topRight,.bottomLeft,.bottomRight], radius: 10)
return cell
else if tableView == soccerTableView
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: String(describing: SoccerExpandTableViewCell.self)) as! SoccerExpandTableViewCell
let obj = soccerMatchArray[section]
if obj.inplay == false && obj.status == "CLOSE"
cell.liveView.isHidden = true
else if obj.inplay == true && obj.status == "OPEN"
cell.liveView.isHidden = false
cell.sportIcon.image = UIImage(named: "soccerball")
cell.teamNameLabel.text = obj.name ?? ""
cell.btnSelection2.tag = section
cell.btnSelection2.addTarget(self, action: #selector(AllLiveMatchesViewController.btnSectionClick2(sender:)), for: .touchUpInside)
if section == selectedIndx && thereIsCellTapped{
cell.headerView.roundCorners(corners: [.topLeft,.topRight], radius: 10)
cell.headerView.roundCorners(corners: [.topLeft,.topRight,.bottomLeft,.bottomRight], radius: 10)
return cell
else if tableView == tennisTableView
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: String(describing: TennisExpandTableViewCell.self)) as! TennisExpandTableViewCell
let obj = tennisMatchArray[section]
if obj.inplay == false && obj.status == "CLOSE"
cell.liveView.isHidden = true
else if obj.inplay == true && obj.status == "OPEN"
cell.liveView.isHidden = false
cell.sportIcon.image = UIImage(named: "tennisracket")
cell.teamNameLabel.text = obj.name ?? ""
cell.btnSelection3.tag = section
cell.btnSelection3.addTarget(self, action: #selector(AllLiveMatchesViewController.btnSectionClick3(sender:)), for: .touchUpInside)
if section == selectedIndx && thereIsCellTapped{
cell.headerView.roundCorners(corners: [.topLeft,.topRight], radius: 10)
cell.headerView.roundCorners(corners: [.topLeft,.topRight,.bottomLeft,.bottomRight], radius: 10)
return cell
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: String(describing: ExpandTableViewCell.self)) as! ExpandTableViewCell
return cell
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: String(describing: ExpandInsideTableViewCell.self)) as! ExpandInsideTableViewCell
if tableView == cricketTableView
let ob = cricketMatchArray[indexPath.section]
let obj = cricketMatchArray[indexPath.section].score[indexPath.row]
if obj.spnnation1 == nil
let teamName = ob.name?.components(separatedBy: " v ")
let fTeamWords = teamName?[0].split { !$0.isLetter }
let sTeamWords = teamName?[1].split { !$0.isLetter }
if fTeamWords?.count == 1
let fTeam = teamName?[0].prefix(3)
cell.firstTeamName.text = fTeam?.description.uppercased()
let fTeam = teamName?[0].getAcronyms()
cell.firstTeamName.text = fTeam
if sTeamWords?.count == 1
let fTeam = teamName?[1].prefix(3)
cell.secondTeamName.text = fTeam?.description.uppercased()
let fTeam = teamName?[1].getAcronyms()
cell.secondTeamName.text = fTeam
cell.firstTeamScore.text = obj.score1
cell.secondTeamScore.text = obj.score2
cell.dateLabel.text = ob.openDate
cell.commonScore.isHidden = true
cell.firstTeamName.text = obj.spnnation1
cell.secondTeamName.text = obj.spnnation2
cell.firstTeamScore.text = obj.score1
cell.secondTeamScore.text = obj.score2
cell.dateLabel.text = ob.openDate
cell.commonScore.isHidden = true
else if tableView == soccerTableView
let ob = soccerMatchArray[indexPath.section]
let obj = soccerMatchArray[indexPath.section].score[indexPath.row]
if obj.spnnation1 == nil
let teamName = ob.name?.components(separatedBy: " v ")
let fTeamWords = teamName?[0].split { !$0.isLetter }
let sTeamWords = teamName?[1].split { !$0.isLetter }
if fTeamWords?.count == 1
let fTeam = teamName?[0].prefix(3)
cell.firstTeamScore.text = fTeam?.description.uppercased()
let fTeam = teamName?[0].getAcronyms()
cell.firstTeamScore.text = fTeam
if sTeamWords?.count == 1
let fTeam = teamName?[1].prefix(3)
cell.secondTeamScore.text = fTeam?.description.uppercased()
let fTeam = teamName?[1].getAcronyms()
cell.secondTeamScore.text = fTeam
cell.firstTeamName.isHidden = true
cell.secondTeamName.isHidden = true
cell.dateLabel.text = ob.openDate
cell.commonScore.isHidden = false
cell.commonScore.text = "\(obj.score1 ?? "")-\(obj.score2 ?? "")"
cell.firstTeamName.isHidden = true
cell.secondTeamName.isHidden = true
cell.firstTeamScore.text = obj.spnnation1?.getAcronyms()
cell.secondTeamScore.text = obj.spnnation2?.getAcronyms()
cell.dateLabel.text = ob.openDate
cell.commonScore.isHidden = false
cell.commonScore.text = "\(obj.score1 ?? "")-\(obj.score2 ?? "")"
else if tableView == tennisTableView
let ob = tennisMatchArray[indexPath.section]
let obj = tennisMatchArray[indexPath.section].score[indexPath.row]
if obj.spnnation1 == nil
let teamName = ob.name?.components(separatedBy: " v ")
let fTeamWords = teamName?[0].split { !$0.isLetter }
let sTeamWords = teamName?[1].split { !$0.isLetter }
if fTeamWords?.count == 1
let fTeam = teamName?[0].prefix(3)
cell.firstTeamScore.text = fTeam?.description.uppercased()
let fTeam = teamName?[0].getAcronyms()
cell.firstTeamScore.text = fTeam
if sTeamWords?.count == 1
let fTeam = teamName?[1].prefix(3)
cell.secondTeamScore.text = fTeam?.description.uppercased()
let fTeam = teamName?[1].getAcronyms()
cell.secondTeamScore.text = fTeam
cell.firstTeamName.isHidden = true
cell.secondTeamName.isHidden = true
cell.dateLabel.text = ob.openDate
cell.commonScore.isHidden = false
cell.commonScore.text = "\(obj.score1 ?? "")-\(obj.score2 ?? "")"
cell.firstTeamName.isHidden = true
cell.secondTeamName.isHidden = true
cell.firstTeamScore.text = obj.spnnation1?.getAcronyms()
cell.secondTeamScore.text = obj.spnnation2?.getAcronyms()
cell.dateLabel.text = ob.openDate
cell.commonScore.isHidden = false
cell.commonScore.text = "\(obj.score1 ?? "")-\(obj.score2 ?? "")"
return cell
Can someone help me out with this.
CodePudding user response:
The problem is that you duplicate code but not properties :
if tableView == cricketTableView
// This is the problem :
// only one selectedIndx and one thereIsCellTapped but 3 tables, so it give the same result
// for the 3 tables
if (self.selectedIndx != section) && thereIsCellTapped{
return 0
else if (self.selectedIndx == section) && thereIsCellTapped{
return 20
return 0
You have this problem in :
- heightForRowAt
- heightForFooterInSection
- viewForFooterInSection
- viewForHeaderInSection
- and may in didSelectRowAt
CodePudding user response:
As a curiosity question - why do you have 3 separate tableviews instead of one with sections?
Having 3 different UITableViews in one ViewController is in this case - not needed.
By controlling number of cells in section we can simplify the logic of the view later on.
Tapping on the header should control the logic of "hiding" (= setting number of rows in given section to zero) of other sections.
CodePudding user response:
You can use Single TableView with a cell having StackView in it by giving it Top, Leading, Trailing, Bottom.
Your number of rows in section should be 3. It means you have three cells in it now populate your arrays in each cell.
Your heightForRowAt
should be UITableView.automaticDimension