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Why is this Variable Losing its Value?


Basically, my sample dataset looks like the following:

Machine Type: PC,
IP Address:,
Location: Denver,USA
Machine Type: Thin Client,
IP Address:,
Location: Seattle, USA

I am trying to group every 3 lines together. So each 3 lines of the data set are related (I.e the PC's IP is and is in Denver, the next device is a thin client in Seattle and so on)

My goal is to have Python put each of these 3 values into their own variables, so that later on in the script (omitted from my code below for brevity), I can pass them to a CSV.

My problem is that one of the variables is losing its value in the if i == 3: block.

Take a look at the following code to see an example of the issue:

output = """
Machine Type: PC,
IP Address:,
Location: Denver,USA
Machine Type: Thin Client,
IP Address:,
Location: Seattle, USA


i = 0
output = output.split("\n")

for line in output:
    if "PC" in line:
        machine = line[-3:-1]

    if "Thin Client" in line:
        machine = line[-11:-1]

    if "IP Address" in line:
        address = line[-8:-1]

    if "Location" in line:        
        location = line[-12:-1]

    i = i   1
    if i == 3:
        print(machine, address, location)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pytest.py", line 37, in <module>
    print(machine, address, location) 
NameError: name 'location' is not defined

Python is telling me that the location variable isn't defined, but I don't see how that's true because it was defined on the third iteration of the for loop before it was passed off to the print statement.

I can actually prove it's being defined with the following code:

output = """
Machine Type: PC,
IP Address:,
Location: Denver,USA
Machine Type: Thin Client,
IP Address:,
Location: Seattle, USA


output = output.split("\n")

for line in output:
    if "PC" in line:
        machine = line[-3:-1]

    if "Thin Client" in line:
        machine = line[-11:-1]

    if "IP Address" in line:
        address = line[-8:-1]

    if "Location" in line:
        location = line[-12:-1]


Seattle, US

I am really lost here. Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing this? Or have any suggestions on how to do this in a better way?

CodePudding user response:

Counting lines is the wrong answer. If you want an output after "Location", then do the output when you get "Location". Also, remember that when you say

output = """

That has a newline at the beginning, and an extra newline at the end. To eliminate those, you need to use a backslash:

output = """\

It's better to be able to ignore blank lines, like this does.

output = """
Machine Type: PC,
IP Address:,
Location: Denver,USA
Machine Type: Thin Client,
IP Address:,
Location: Seattle, USA
for line in output.splitlines():
    parts = line.split(': ')
    if parts[0] == 'Machine Type':
        machine = parts[1]
    elif parts[0] == "IP Address":
        address = parts[1]
    elif parts[0] == "Location":
        location = parts[1]
        print(machine, address, location)


PC,, Denver,USA
Thin Client,, Seattle, USA

CodePudding user response:

import re

output = """
Machine Type: PC,
IP Address:,
Location: Denver,USA
Machine Type: Thin Client,
IP Address:,
Location: Seattle, USA

ids = ['Machine Type', 'IP Address', 'Location']
values = []
for id in ids:
    values.append([x.split(': ')[1] for x in re.findall(f"({id}:.*)\n", output)])

for value in zip(*values):


PC,, Denver,USA
Thin Client,, Seattle, USA

CodePudding user response:

The code you've written is very vulnerable to breakage if the formatting isn't exactly as expected -- a blank line, stray whitespace, etc can easily throw it off. Since you're using the line number (i) to decide whether or not location has been defined, a blank line will mess you up, as will reordering the data, adding another line, etc.

Here's an approach that aims to just turn your format (as far as I can infer it) into a generic list of dictionaries rather than assigning individual pieces of data to named variables:

output = """
Machine Type: PC,
IP Address:,
Location: Denver,USA
Machine Type: Thin Client,
IP Address:,
Location: Seattle, USA


data = [{}]
for line in output.split("\n"):
    if not ":" in line:
    line = line.strip().rstrip(",")
    k, v = line.split(":")
    k = max(k.lower().strip().split(), key=len)
    if k in data[-1]:
    data[-1][k] = v.strip()

This code isn't aware of any of the particular variables, or know (or care) what order they're in, but it produces your original three variables as entries in a dictionary that you can access any way you like:

# [{'machine': 'PC', 'address': '', 'location': 'Denver,USA'}, {'machine': 'Thin Client', 'address': '', 'location': 'Seattle, USA'}]

for d in data:
# ['PC', '', 'Denver,USA']
# ['Thin Client', '', 'Seattle, USA']

print([d["machine"] for d in data])
# ['PC', 'Thin Client']
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