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Is there a way to add custom attributes to custom elements


While messing around with custom elements I wondered if one could use custom attributes within the elements (and possibly within their children too). I know VueJS does something similar with attributes like v-bind, v-for, etc; and I know there's probably a lot more going on under the hood there than I realize. I've tried registering custom elements and attempting to retrieve them like so:

<new-element cool="Awesome!"> </new-element>

class NewElement extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
        this.coolAttr = this.getAttribute("cool");

customElements.define("new-element", NewElement);

However, when loading the page (in Google Chrome for me) the "custom" attributes disappear, and any attempt at getting them retrieves null. Is there a way to "register" these custom attributes, or do I have to stick with data- attributes?

CodePudding user response:

  • Attributes become available in the connectedCallback,
    they are not available yet in the constructor
    Unless the Custom Element is PARSED (in the DOM) BEFORE the Element is defined!!

  • Also be aware the attributeChangedCallback runs before the connectedCallback
    for Observed attributes

  • Also see: https://andyogo.github.io/custom-element-reactions-diagram/

.as-console-row-code {
    font: 12px Arial!important;
.as-console-row:after{ display:none!important }
<before-element cool="Awesome?">FOO</before-element>

  class NewElement extends HTMLElement {
    log( ...args ){
      console.log(this.nodeName, `cool:${this.getAttribute("cool")}`,"\t\t\t",...args );
    static get observedAttributes() {
      return ["cool"];
    constructor() {
      const name = "constructor"; // CAN! run code BEFORE super()!
      // super() sets AND returns the 'this' scope
    connectedCallback() {
      this.log("connectedCallback", this.innerHTML || "innerHTML not parsed yet");
      // be aware this.innerHTML is only available for PARSED elements
      // use setTimeout(()=>{...},0) if you do need this.innerHTML
    attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
      this.log(`attributeChangedCallback name:${name}, old:${oldValue}, new:${newValue}`);
  customElements.define("before-element", class extends NewElement {});
  customElements.define("after-element",  class extends NewElement {});

<after-element cool="Awesome!!">BAR</after-element>

CodePudding user response:

It can be easily solved by adding the name of the attributes after "data-".

<New-element data-*="Anything you want" />

for example, you can have:

<element data-cool="value">

You can have as many custom attributes as you want.

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