Home > Blockchain >  Display woocommerce billing address on a custom page in a WordPress website
Display woocommerce billing address on a custom page in a WordPress website


I'd like to display the billing address on a custom page on my site. This page contains a list of users with some of their registered information, but I would also like to display address information these users...

To do this, I created a custom template with this code:


/* Template Name: List Users */

get_header(); ?>

<div id="primary">
    <main id="main"  role="main">
        <div id="pageTitle">
            <h2>Onde Comprar</h2>
        <div id="pageText">
                A Editora Conclave distribui e tem parcerias com vários lojistas pelo Brasil, você pode localizar a loja mais próxima a você ou se preferir poderá comprar na nossa loja virtual, <a href="https://conclaveweb.com.br/loja/">clicando aqui</a>.
        <div id="searchContainer"></div>
        <ul id="userListContainer">
            // WP_User_Query arguments
            $args = array(
                'meta_key' => 'first_name',
                'role' => 'shopkeeper',
                //'search'         => 'first_name',
                'search_columns' => array('first_name', 'city', 'state'),
                'order' => 'ASC',
                'orderby' => 'meta_value',
                'fields' => 'all_with_meta',

            // The User Query
            $users = new WP_User_Query($args);

            // User Loop
            if (!empty($users->results)) {
                foreach ($users->results as $user) {
                    //get_author_posts_url( $user->ID ) . the_author_meta( 'user_url', $user->ID ) .
                    '<li>' .
                        '<a href="' . esc_url(get_author_posts_url($user->ID)) . '">' .
                            '<div id="userImage">' . get_avatar($user->ID) . '</div>' .
                            '<div id="userInfo">' . esc_attr($user->first_name) . ' ' . esc_attr($user->last_name) . '<br>' .
                                'CEP: ' . esc_attr($user->post_code) . ' — ' . esc_attr($user->city) . ', ' . esc_attr($user->state) . '<br>' .
                        '</a>' .
                            '<a href="' . esc_attr($user->user_url) . '">' . esc_attr($user->user_url) . '</a>' .
                            '</div>' .
            } else {
                echo 'Nenhum usuário encontrado.';

    </main><!-- #main -->
</div><!-- #primary -->

//do_action( 'ekommart_sidebar' );

I tryed display the address, but don`t work. I believe that dont work because this informations does not come by "WP_User_Query", but do not know how bring them.

Any help will be welcome! Thank’s!!

CodePudding user response:

This may help you:

// Get the user ID from an Order ID
$user_id = get_post_meta( $order_id, '_customer_user', true );

// Get an instance of the WC_Customer Object from the user ID
$customer = new WC_Customer( $user_id );

$username     = $customer->get_username(); // Get username
$user_email   = $customer->get_email(); // Get account email
$first_name   = $customer->get_first_name();
$last_name    = $customer->get_last_name();
$display_name = $customer->get_display_name();

// Customer billing information details (from account)
$billing_first_name = $customer->get_billing_first_name();
$billing_last_name  = $customer->get_billing_last_name();
$billing_company    = $customer->get_billing_company();
$billing_address_1  = $customer->get_billing_address_1();
$billing_address_2  = $customer->get_billing_address_2();
$billing_city       = $customer->get_billing_city();
$billing_state      = $customer->get_billing_state();
$billing_postcode   = $customer->get_billing_postcode();
$billing_country    = $customer->get_billing_country();

// Customer shipping information details (from account)
$shipping_first_name = $customer->get_shipping_first_name();
$shipping_last_name  = $customer->get_shipping_last_name();
$shipping_company    = $customer->get_shipping_company();
$shipping_address_1  = $customer->get_shipping_address_1();
$shipping_address_2  = $customer->get_shipping_address_2();
$shipping_city       = $customer->get_shipping_city();
$shipping_state      = $customer->get_shipping_state();
$shipping_postcode   = $customer->get_shipping_postcode();
$shipping_country    = $customer->get_shipping_country();
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