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Listing link between pictures


I'm working on a project where I'm trying to recreate an industrial process by moving pictures of equipment and linking them with arrows to establish the connections and sequence of my process.

I'm fairly new to vba and I'm stuck.

I'm able to insert new equipment by clicking on their picture, it copy and paste the picture, a userform pops up and I set the name of the picture and other parameters. enter image description here

My code:

Sub test()

Dim kk As Shape
Dim wk As Worksheet

Set wk = ActiveSheet

For Each kk In wk.Shapes
    If kk.Connector = msoTrue Then
        Debug.Print "From ", kk.ConnectorFormat.BeginConnectedShape.Name, " to ", kk.ConnectorFormat.EndConnectedShape.Name
    End If
Next kk

End Sub

The output I get is exactly how I made my connectors:

From          Rectangle 1    to           Oval 2
From          Oval 2         to           Snip Single Corner Rectangle 3
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