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How to get sum of multiple rows in a table dynamically


I am trying to get the total sum from columns of a specific data type(money) for multiple tables in a database. Currently I am able to get the list of columns from specific tables but I am unable to get the sums from those columns.

This is what I have now

    use database 1 
Select   Column_Name
    From information_schema.columns
    Where TABLE_NAME = 'claimant'
    and data_type = 'money'

The result looks something like below

table_name column_name
table_1 column_a
table_1 column_b
table_1 column_c

what I would like

table_name column_name total_sum
table_1 column_a 66.20
table_1 column_b 300.50
table_1 column_c 5389.42

update for @Squirrel Here is the code I have but it's still giving me issues with truncation.


declare @sql nvarchar(max);

select  @sql = 'with cte as ('   char(13)
              'select'   char(13)
              string_agg(char(9)   quotename(column_name)   ' = sum('   quotename(COLUMN_NAME)   ')', ','   char(13))   char(13)
              'from '   max(quotename(table_name))   char(13)
              ')'   char(13)
              'select a.table_name, a.column_name, a.total_sum '   char(13)
              'from   cte '   char(13)
              'cross apply ('   char(13)
              char(9)   'values'   char(13)
              string_agg(char(9)   '('''   table_name   ''','''   column_name    ''','   quotename(COLUMN_NAME)   ')', ','   char(13))   char(13)
              ') a (table_name, column_name, total_sum)'
from   information_schema.columns AS A
where  A.table_name = B.DEST_TABLE_NAME
and    data_type  = 'money'

print @sql
exec sp_executesql @sql 

below is the create table

    [SOURCE_TABLE_NAME] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [DEST_TABLE_NAME] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [TYPE] [varchar](10) NULL,
    [PRIORITY] [int] NULL,
    [SOURCE_TABLE_DATABASE] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [SOURCE_TABLE_SCHEMA] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [DEST_TABLE_DATABASE] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [DEST_TABLE_SCHEMA] [varchar](50) NULL

Below is part of the results

select a.table_name, a.column_name, a.total_sum 
from   cte 
cross apply (

CodePudding user response:

You need to form the query dynamically and then execute it using sp_executesql or exec()

Note : char(9) is tab, char(13) is carriage return. These are added to format the query so that it is readable when you print it out for verification.

declare @sql nvarchar(max);

select @sql = 'with cte as ('   char(13)
              'select'   char(13)
              string_agg(char(9)   quotename(column_name)   ' = sum('   quotename(column_name)   ')', ','   char(13))   char(13)
              'from '   max(quotename(table_name))   char(13)
              ')'   char(13)
              'select a.table_name, a.column_name, a.total_sum '   char(13)
              'from   cte '   char(13)
              'cross apply ('   char(13)
              char(9)   'values'   char(13)
              string_agg(char(9)   '('''   table_name   ''', '''   column_name   ''','   quotename(column_name)   ')', ','   char(13))   char(13)
              ') a (table_name, column_name, total_sum)'
from   information_schema.columns
where  table_name = 'table_1'
and    data_type  = 'money'

print @sql
exec sp_executesql @sql

For your sample table, the generated dynamic query is

with cte as (
    [column_a] = sum([column_a]),
    [column_b] = sum([column_b]),
    [column_c] = sum([column_c])
from [table_1]
select a.table_name, a.column_name, a.total_sum 
from   cte 
cross apply (
    ('table_1', 'column_a',[column_a]),
    ('table_1', 'column_b',[column_b]),
    ('table_1', 'column_c',[column_c])
) a (table_name, column_name, total_sum)

EDIT using a loop to iterate each table. Basically it execute above query for each of the table and insert the result into a temp table

see db<>fiddle demo

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