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Python - print() is not giving any output of the list that contains ASCII arts


So I am working on a Paper Rock and Scissor Game, pretty easy it may seem but I've encountered a problem with printing ASCII arts of paper, rock, and scissors, which I incorporated into the list. The code looks like this:

import random
rock = '''
---'   ____)

paper = '''
---'   ____)____

scissors = '''
---'   ____)____

rps_list = rock paper scissors
player = int(input("What do you choose? Type 0 for Rock, 1 for Paper or 2 for Scissors.: "))
computer = random.randint(0,2)

After that, I have some if functions to determine the outcome of the game but what bothers me is that I can't get the output to work when I am using the print function and list with ASCII arts inside the list and I don't get why. If I were to use just e.g.


I get the beautiful arts printed but not with the way I am doing it. What am I doing wrong?

CodePudding user response:

rock paper scissors is string concatenation.

Use rps_list = [rock, paper, scissors]

CodePudding user response:

You need to set rps_list as a list as follows

rps_list = [rock, paper, scissors]

CodePudding user response:

This is because rock, paper, and scissors are strings and you try to add all of them.

In python 'Hello' 'hi' = 'hellohi'. This is called String Concatenation.

import random
rock = '''
---'   ____)

paper = '''
---'   ____)____

scissors = '''
---'   ____)____

rps_list = [rock,paper,scissors]
player = int(input("What do you choose? Type 0 for Rock, 1 for Paper or 2 for Scissors.: "))
computer = random.randint(0,2)

There is another way you could change rock, paper, and scissors to a list and then add them.

import random
rock = ['''
---'   ____)

paper = ['''
---'   ____)____

scissors = ['''
---'   ____)____

rps_list = rock paper scissors
player = int(input("What do you choose? Type 0 for Rock, 1 for Paper or 2 for Scissors.: "))
computer = random.randint(0,2)
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