I have a google sheet "test" with the following data
Each user mail has a name associated to it.
I would like to merge on one line the emails that are repeated and concatenate the first names associated with them to obtain the following result on column C and D like that :
I tried this code below because I think that the solution must be solved with a 2D array because the google sheet can receive a large number of emails and different first names.
function myFunction() {
var test = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("test");
const [,...value] = test.getDataRange().getValues(); // Get the values of the arrays
const arrayValue = value.flatMap(([a1,v1]) =>
value.map(([a2,v2]) => {
const verif = a1==a2 && v1!=v2 ? a2.concat(',' v1 ',' v2):'no';
const name = verif == a2.concat(',' v1 ',' v2) ? v1.concat (',' v2):'';
const mail = name != '' ? a2:'';
return [mail,name];
test.getRange(1, 3, arrayValue.length,2).setValues(arrayValue);
Today with my code I only obtain this result