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Filtering data into a list with sections


I have data sorted by priority. I'm trying to display that data in a list as:

priority 1
   item with that priority
   item with that priority 
priority 2
   item with that priority
   item with that priority

So I thought using a list with sections to display the priority, and then list under each item that has that priority.

struct PriorityView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject private var taskdata: DataModel
    @State var byPriotity: Int
    var body: some View {
        List {
            VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 12) {
                // priority 3 is display all items in the list
                if byPriotity == 3 {
                    ForEach(taskdata.filteredTasks(byPriority: byPriotity), id: \.id) { task in
                        Section(header: Text(getTitle(byPriority: task.priority)).font(.headline)) {

This just creates a list with a section that displays the priority, and then the title of the item. Which is not what I wanted to output. I started reading about section and some articles (enter image description here

Changed the struct name to:

struct SectionOrdered : Identifiable {
    var id: String { priority }
    let priority: String
    let tasks: [Task]

The code I tried is:

List {
    VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 12) {
        if byPriority == 3 {
            ForEach(taskdata.sections) { task in
                Section(header: task.priority) {

vadian suggested to filter all in the class, but I have no clue how to use that. I tried, but I'm making a worse mess here.

I wonder if this is possible at all.

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

To group your data into sections first create a struct Section

struct Section : Identifiable {
    var id : String { priority }
    let priority : String
    let tasks : [Task]

And in the view model publish the sections and group them in for example in the init method.

final class DataModel: ObservableObject {
    @AppStorage("tasksp") public var tasks: [Task] = []
    @Published var sections = [Section]()
    init() {
        let grouped = Dictionary(grouping: tasks, by: \.priority)
        let sortedKeys = grouped.keys.sorted()
        self.sections = sortedKeys.map{Section(priority: getTitle(byPriority: $0), tasks: grouped[$0]!)}

    func getTitle(byPriority: Int) -> String {
        switch byPriority {
            case 0: return "Important"
            case 1: return "Tomorrow"
            default: return "Someday"

The benefit is to keep all unnecessary data processing out of the view.

In the view show the data

ForEach(taskdata.sections) { section in
    Section {
        ForEach(section.tasks) { task in
    } header: {

If you want to group filtered data into sections first filter it then group it.

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