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Using JS to add a background color to a dynamically created Div


Good evening,

I am having trouble using a click event listener to change the background color of a js created div.

I have trolled through the questions but I am stumped as to why , even if I declare the function after the divs have been created an appended it still does not change the color.

The code is below.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
<script src="script.js" defer > </script>

  <h1> Grid aye? </h1> 

  <div >
    <aside class ="toggleBar"> This is where the switches will go </aside> 
    <!-- This where the grids are created, using psuedo classes in CSS. -->
    <div id="container"></div>




const container = document.getElementById("container");
const gridItem = document.getElementById("grid-item"); 

// uses a loop to create the required divs 
function makeRows(rows, cols) {
  container.style.setProperty('--grid-rows', rows);
  container.style.setProperty('--grid-cols', cols);
  for (c = 0; c < (rows * cols); c  ) {
    let cell = document.createElement("div");
    container.appendChild(cell).className = "grid-item";

makeRows(16, 16);

function changeGridColor (e) {



Can anyone point me to where I have gone wrong?

I tried declaring the event listener before appending the created divs, but that throws errors in VSCode

CodePudding user response:

const gridItem = document.getElementById("grid-item");

This line will not be correct because no element in your HTML has grid-item as Id at this moment of the script execution. You will need to put this line after the makeRows(16, 16);.

In addition, in container.appendChild(cell).className = "grid-item";, you add a class, not an id. So const gridItem = document.getElementById("grid-item"); will not be correct and need to be const gridItems = document.querySelectorAll(".grid-item").

Because there are multiple div with this class, you will need to loop over them in order to attach the event listener. Instead of gridItem.addEventListener(click, changeGridColor);, you will need :

const gridItems = document.querySelectorAll(".grid-item");

for(let gridItem of gridItems) {
    gridItem.addEventListener(`click`, changeGridColor);

EDIT: and e.style.backgroundColor = "red"; should be e.target.style.backgroundColor = "red";

CodePudding user response:

The other solution is correct that the element does not exist by then. However, if you added more rows, those new rows/grid items will not have the event listener attached.

Instead, you can rely on a more versatile event delegation technique to ensure that all future grid items have the event listener:

// uses a loop to create the required divs 
function makeRows(rows, cols) {
  container.style.setProperty('--grid-rows', rows);
  container.style.setProperty('--grid-cols', cols);

  for (c = 0; c < (rows * cols); c  ) {
    let cell = document.createElement("div");
    cell.classes = ['grid-item'];
    cell.style.setProperty('height', '24px');
    cell.style.setProperty('background-color', 'black');
    container.appendChild(cell).className = "grid-item";

makeRows(16, 16);

function changeGridColor (e) {

    if(e.target && e.target.classes.includes('grid-item')){

We add the grid-item class and then setup a click event listener so that whenever a grid item class is clicked, the color is changed.

Here's a working jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/1e7c2gzu/22/

(Also note you wouldn't see your grid items initially because they didn't have a size to them so I added a size and set them to black so you could see them)

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