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What row is violating this check constraint?


I'm trying to add the following check constraint to the raffle_participant table:

ALTER TABLE raffle_participant ADD CONSTRAINT ck_raffle_participant_total_purchased_le_ticket_limit CHECK (tickets_purchased_in_raffle(raffle_id) <= get_ticket_limit(raffle_id))

When I execute the above command, I get back:

ERROR:  check constraint "ck_raffle_participant_total_purchased_le_ticket_limit" of relation "raffle_participant" is violated by some row

It would appear to me that all the rows within the raffle_participant table satisfy the constraint. What am I not understanding here? Why is the check constraint being violated on the existing data?

Using PostgreSQL version 13.6.

Edit: I've tried the following queries to figure out what rows are violating the constraint and it would appear none of them do.

development=# select (select sum(p.tickets_purchased) from raffle_participant p where p.raffle_id = 2) <= (select r.ticket_limit from raffle r where r.id = 2);
(1 row)

development=# select (select sum(p.tickets_purchased) from raffle_participant p where p.raffle_id = 3) <= (select r.ticket_limit from raffle r where r.id = 3);
(1 row)

development=# select (select sum(p.tickets_purchased) from raffle_participant p where p.raffle_id = 4) <= (select r.ticket_limit from raffle r where r.id = 4);
(1 row)

raffle table


Column Type Collation Nullable Default
id integer not null generated always as identity
item_name character varying(40) not null
item_value bigint not null
ticket_limit integer not null
ticket_price bigint not null
user_ticket_limit integer not null
ended_on timestamp with time zone
winner_id bigint


id item_name item_value ticket_limit ticket_price user_ticket_limit ended_on winner_id
1 item 10 10 10 2 2022-04-27 17:46:01.271025 00
2 item 10 10 10 10 2022-04-27 17:55:28.783744 00 151150118697959424
3 item 10 10 10 10 2022-04-27 20:32:13.588843 00 151150118697959424
4 item 10 10 10 10

raffle_participant table


Column Type Collation Nullable Default
raffle_id integer not null
user_id bigint not null
tickets_purchased integer not null


raffle_id user_id tickets_purchased
2 151150118697959424 10
3 151150118697959424 10
4 151150118697959424 3

tickets_purchased_in_raffle function

CREATE FUNCTION tickets_purchased_in_raffle (IN raffle_id raffle.id%TYPE) 
  RETURNS raffle_participant.tickets_purchased%TYPE AS
    SELECT SUM(p.tickets_purchased) FROM raffle_participant p WHERE p.raffle_id = raffle_id 

get_ticket_limit function

CREATE FUNCTION get_ticket_limit (IN raffle_id raffle.id%TYPE) 
  RETURNS raffle.ticket_limit%TYPE AS
    SELECT r.ticket_limit FROM raffle r WHERE r.id = raffle_id 

CodePudding user response:

The problem is that my input argument, raffle_id, to tickets_purchased_in_raffle was being shadowed by the column name, raffle_id, of raffle_participant. By changing the argument name to rid, I was able to successfully add the check constraint.

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