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python : using a subplot as legend for the others subplots


I have the script below that generates a plot consisted of 5 histograms (5 subplots) :

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

mean_o = list()
sigma_o = list()
y3 = list()

### generate some data
for i in range( 5 ):
    y3.append( norm.rvs( size=150000 ) )
y3 = np.transpose( y3 )

for i in range(5):
    mean_o.append( np.mean( y3[ :, i ] ) )
    sigma_o.append(  np.std( y3[ :, i ] ) )

## Histograms
# Number of bins
binwidth = np.zeros(5)

# Fitting curves
def gaussian( x, a , mean, sigma ):
  return a * np.exp( -( ( x - mean )**2 / (2 * sigma**2 ) ) )

fig = plt.figure()
ax = { i : fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, i 1) for i in range( 5 ) }

for i in range(5):
    ymin = min(y3[:,i])
    ymax = max(y3[:,i])
    binwidth[i] = ( ymax - ymin) / Nbins
    bins_plot = np.arange( ymin, ymax   binwidth[i], binwidth[i])
    histdata = ax[i].hist(
        label='bin ' str(i)

    range_fit = np.linspace( ymin, ymax, 250)
    # Fitting and plot version 1
    popt, pcov = curve_fit(
        0.5 * ( histdata[1][:-1]   histdata[1][1:] ),
        p0=( max(histdata[0]), mean_o[i], sigma_o[i] ) )
    ax[i].plot(range_fit, gaussian( range_fit, *popt ) )
    ax[i].axvline( x=mean_o[i], ls=':', c='r' )

    # Fitting and plot version 2
    params = norm.fit( y3[ ::, i ], loc=mean_o[i], scale=sigma_o[i] )
    nth = gaussian(
        len( y3[::, i]) * binwidth[i] / np.sqrt( 2 * np.pi ),
    ax[i].plot(range_fit, nth, ls="--" )

that generates the following figure :

initial plot

Now, I would like to use in the 6th subplot on the right bottom as a legend for the 5 other subplots where the best fit values appear with a corresponding box and value to each subplot (like a color code) :

wanted plot : using subplot as legend

I don't know at all how to use a subplot as a legend, Does anyone get an idea ?

CodePudding user response:

You can create an extra subplot and put a custom legend in subplot

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