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Vue 3 - emit is not a function


I'm having a strange problem using emit in Vue 3 Composition API Vite.

I want to make a simple emit from a child component to a parent.

The code of the child:

  <div >
    <v-container @click="logInWithSpotify" >
     Iniciar sesión con Spotify

<script setup>
const emits = defineEmits(["logInIsCorrect"]);

function logInWithSpotify() {

The only purpose of the child is to press the button and call the emit to the parent via a custom method called logInWithSpotify()

The code of the parent:

    <v-main >
      <v-template v-if="userIsLoged">
        <MainStats />
      <v-template v-else>
        <Login @logInIsCorrect="setLogInIsCorrect" />

<script setup>
import { ref, defineAsyncComponent } from "vue";
import Login from "./components/Login.vue";
const MainStats = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("./components/MainStats.vue"));

const userIsLoged = ref(false);
function setLogInIsCorrect(value) {
  userIsLoged.value = value;

The expected behavior is that when the button of the child component is pressed, the emit having a "true" parameter, gets to the parent and changes the userIsLogged variable to that "true".

Funny thing is that yesterday the code worked perfectly, today it didn't.

On the console, it appears:

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Hey im editing my answer:

I feel like the problem is in your setup

<script setup>
const emits = defineEmits(["logInIsCorrect"]);

function logInWithSpotify() {

After reading this quick blog: https://www.angularfix.com/2022/03/uncaught-typeerror-emit-is-not-function.html

wouldn't it be like so:

<script setup>
const emits = defineEmits(["logInIsCorrect"]);

function logInWithSpotify(val) {
  emits(logInIsCorrect, val);

And then you pass your Val through to LoginWithSpotify(true)

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