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Inserting new values in a table if SQL had Dictionary and for-each


Let's say my table of myTable has a column1 that has some values already in it. Now I am given some new values that I should put in a newly created column named 'column2' . These are one to one associated together and unique. So for example:

column1 | column2
'ABCHi' | 'newOH'
'TER12' | 'Meow2'
'WhatE' | 'BMW26'

So I could say like:

Update myTable SET column2 = 'newOH' WHERE column1 = 'ABCHi'

and do that for each of those rows ( I have 32 of them to do ). But I thought maybe there is a "nicer" way of doing this? Like if it was C# I could say populate a dictionary and then do a for-each loop!

CodePudding user response:

You can use a Table Value Constructor:

declare @Samples as Table ( Column1 VarChar(10), Column2 VarChar(10) );

-- Initialize the sample data.
insert into @Samples ( Column1 ) values
  ( 'ABCHi' ), ( 'TER12' ), ( 'WhatE' )
select * from @Samples;

-- Update the second column.
update OSamples
  set Column2 = NSamples.Column2
  from @Samples as OSamples inner join
    ( values
      ( ( 'ABCHi' ), ( 'newOH' ) ),
      ( ( 'TER12' ), ( 'Meow2' ) ),
      ( ( 'WhatE' ), ( 'BMW26' ) )
      ) as NSamples( Column1, Column2 )
    on OSamples.Column1 = NSamples.Column1;
select * from @Samples;


CodePudding user response:

you could create the "Dictionary" as an inline view using the With clause.

here is the fiddle https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=sqlserver_2017&fiddle=c0e1393785082fd5cd9352d513b76af6

with Dictionary as(
  select 'ABCHi' as column1, 'newOH' as column2 
  union all
  select 'TER12' as column1, 'Meow2' as column2 
  union all
  select 'WhatE' as column1, 'BMW26' as column2
SET  t.column2=dictionary.column2
FROM mytable t JOIN Dictionary ON t.column1 = Dictionary.column1
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